simple I’m 52 Type 2 diabetic. 50lbs overweight need to do something.
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
Joel & Craig
NOTE: This contest is now closed.
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I am a 46 year-old American teaching English in South Korea. I want to show my students that not all Americans are fat and lazy (that IS what many Koreans believe). I also want to experience and see as much as I can while I’m here. There are mountains to be climbed and markets to be strolled, but my knees are killing me due to my excess weight. I hope to add your program to my daily workout (Tacfit Warrior) to achieve my goals!
I am an ex college athlete whom love to stay fit and educate others on how to do so. Unfortunately there are many false advertisments on how to lose weight, what supplements one should take etc. Many are getting caught up in the hype. Just like the bible is a step by step Manual before leaving the earth. I believe 24/7 is a step by step Manual on how to stay on earth longer!
I was diagnosed insulin resistant at 52. I am out of time. I now have motivation. I lost some weight but I need serious tools to help me stay off the road to type 2 diabetes.
I am turning 50 next year, and although I have always tried to do some exercise with the changes in my hormones I am struggling to keep the weight off, and maintain my shape. Specially belly fat, I look at food and I gain the weight. I find that my weak point is to integrate the nutrition and the training together.
My goal is to be in the best shape I’ve ever been before my 50th b-day. I find your system looks awesome, and you need that expertise to give the extra push to conquer the changes that come with age.
I want to team 24/7 and my resolve to produce the new me!
Hi guys! Thanks for this opportunity. I am 38 years old and about 230lbs which is a number I swore u would never see again. I have been on the weightloss roller coaster all my life and I am fed up once again. I really need help in understanding how I can lose 65 lbs one year and gain it right back the next. My frustration levels have hit an all time high and I am hoping your program is what I need. I have spent thousands on every known fad diet nutritionist and gym memberships along with countless supplements that never seem to work. Your plan sounds great and hopefully my answer to finally taking this weight off for good!!!!
Hi Joel and Craig, thanks for this amazing offer! I must say that I’m definitely intrigued that you have come up with a 24/7 Fat Loss System. As a nurse, I’ve tried to maintain a good, healthy diet and have been aware that there are foods that help you burn fat, but didn’t know enough about them to eat them on a regular basis. I’ve also know there’s a way to train your body to increase your metabolism, but didn’t know how to apply it in my life. I’ve been recovering from an injury, and have added a few pounds to my frame, that I’d like to deduct from my frame!! This is a perfect time for me to begin an exercise/fat loss program, since I haven’t yet returned to work, and can get into a good routine, practicing good healthy eating and exercise habits. (As a nurse, good eating habits tend to go out the window….the mainstays become chocolate and caffeine!!!) I also need the system to help my teenage son to reduce his weight. Helping him to be a healthier youth would be terrific!
I can’t really think of a reason why I am more unique than some of the other stories I have read. I am a mom of 2 busy boys. I am busy as a preschool teacher. I am busy as an involved member of my church. I am busy as a wife whose husband is in med school. Busy seems to be a keyword to describe life right now, and this system works seamlessly with busy. I gained over 50 pounds during my first pregnancy and have struggled since then with my weight. I have made many life changes and learned much through this journey, but I have plateaued since May (with a couple pound fluctuation) and I am searching for something to help me beat the plateau. I have already started incorporating what I have learned from your emails (which some of it has been a little tougher than I thought as what I learned from you was different from some things I had learned and was doing previously). I don’t have any medical conditions to my weight gain, but that is exactly why I am trying so hard- I want to prevent them! Thank you for this opportunity.
I was a walk-on track athlete in college who earned two letters. After school came marriange and kids, and fitness took a backseat. Now the kids are getting older, and I would like to get back into competition. I lost about 50 pounds over 3 years, but gained back 15 pounds in the last 18 months. I want my kids to know that getting older doesn’t mean becoming sedentary, losing fitness or giving up athletics. I am convinced that your program is what I need to get my fitness regimen back on track, literally and figuratively.
I’ve been following your posts since about 11/2 weeks ago and taking your advice to the table and to the gym with me. I have already lost more weight and inches in this past week than I did in 4 months!! I’m hooked, now I need the rest of your fitness “Bible” LOL
I am intrigued by your program, as it seems that you are combining the latest research on exercise, physiology, nutrition, psychology, metabolism, biology, and chemistry (and other areas, which I am probably leaving out) — and, honestly, I do not have the time to do this on my own! :-) So, I am thankful for your work, and your willingness to share this with others.
Briefly, I am a 43-year-old woman, with 2 kids. I have always been in decent weight and shape, but have noticed a slowing down of my metabolism in the past 6 years or so, during which time I have gained probably 10 pounds. I exercise regularly (Capoeira 2-3 times per week, and weight training 2x/wk), get good/regular sleep, and have always eaten healthy foods; and practice overall healthy self-care habits.
I believe that your program could help me reduce my current level of body fat, and perhaps lose a few of the extra pounds. Specifically, I want to learn to optimize the foods I eat; particularly planning meals with the carbs, protein, and fats in the right balance at the right times of day as you explained in your posts. This concept boggles my mind currently, and I have no idea how to figure out how to do this on my own! Also, I would love to learn more about HIIT and MRT, and again, your program would make this learning and the eventual application much easier and do-able for a busy mom like me!
Finally, once I commit to a plan I follow-through! So, I have no doubts that your plan would be effective for me!!!
Thanks for all you do!
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before.
It’s time for a plan. Time to stop going to the gym or down in the basement and just wander around hoping I’m doing it right. I need guidence, I need help and I think what you’re offering is exactly what I’m looking for.
I am in my early 60’s and have found that each decade has made the “weight” problem harder and harder to control. I have successfully followed three separate diet programs over the past 12 years and have gotten to my target weight level each time. But then I return to the real world of eating and each time have not been able to maintain my desired weight. I need a program that I can successfully continue for the rest of my life that does not include bought food, required meetings, expensive costs. I found you on line and love your approach. I am also interested in keeping my husband as healthy as possible – he has had a severe stroke and is unable to be very active; he also absolutely refuses to “go on a diet” so I need a program that seems like a normal routine that he will enjoy doing. Thank you.
I have been following you guys as the first thing in the morning ever since the first mail. Your tips so far have changed my workout and diet plans drastically already, and Im learning new stuff all the time. I would love to see a full version of this, and get futher :)
This is a great program for me. I have been struggling all my life with problem of overweight, and there are always tonnes of ‘advises’ available about how to loose weight, and then remain slim. However, all of them seem so overwhelming, or somehow incomplete in their ‘story’…. I mean, there is always a feeling that I am missing some information about the whole picture. Now, when I read stuff from Joel, it immediately gets my full attention. It always seems that I am reading a rational and sensible advise…. The key word is ‘advise’…….. This advise is very different from aggressive sales pitch that I have encountered at other places….
Being a post menopausal woman makes weight loss so much harder. I’d love to find a healthy and simple way to burn off all this excess weight. I have a sit down job and someone is always bringing food into the office to “share”. I’d love to be able to try some of these delightful dishes without feeling guilty or having to deprive myself of something else to compensate.
This is the fat burning program for me! I am ready and committed to using the strategies that Joel & Craig are teaching in their program. I am ready to lose my fat for good! Your 24/7 system sounds like an effective way to burn the fat so my muscle can take center stage. I know I have a rockin hot body that wants to come out. Fat burning 24/7! I can’t wait to get started. Thank you very much for the opportunity to try your program.
I would LOVE this program, and NEED it because it sounds amazing, and right up my alley! I would love to put in the work required. I struggle with emotional eating and would love a new way to stay consistent and on track. As a busy mom of two little ones, I am bound and determined to get lean and get rid of those last ten pounds that are so tough to melt! (And getting a little ripped would be nice! ;) I WANT to put in the work and follow through needed with this new program from Joel and Craig!
I’ve been fighting the battle of the bulge for years and I am not losing. Once menopause hit, that battle was lost for sure. No matter what I’ve tried, I can’t seem to budge the bulge. Please help, if I could burn fat 24/7, I’d be the hot grandma that I am meant to be. Please help.
I am in my early 60’s and have found that each decade has made the “weight” problem harder and harder to control. I have successfully followed three separate diet programs over the past 12 years and have gotten to my target weight level. But then I return to the real world of eating and each time have not been able to maintain my desired weight. I need a program that I can successfully continue for the rest of my life that does not include bought food, required meetings, expensive costs . I found you on the internet and love your approach. I am also interested in keeping my husband as healthy as possible-he has had a stroke and is unable to be very active; he also absolutely refuses to “go on a diet” so I need a program that seems like a normal routine that he will enjoy doing. Thank you.
I have been following your posts for the past week and a half and have been bringing your advice and tips to the table and to the gym with me and am finding quicker results that I have in the past 4 months doing it “my way”. I’m hooked and need the the rest of your “fitness Bibles”!
I want this because I have never given up hope that there will be THE ONE that will fit into my lifestyle and not feel like a lifestyle of its own. I am willing to eat healthy and move around in reasonable ways, but I don’t want to spend my whole day working on my physical presence, I have a life, just give me a reasonably brief and enjoyable path to live it!
As a ‘young’ woman turning 61 in a week, I’ve decided that I really have to get with the program! I’ve been saying that since I turned 40, but ‘life’ got in the way! No more…I’m committed — or else I may have to be committed!!!
I have always enjoyed working out and eating healthy, but I have yet to find a routine or a system that actually yields the kind of results I’m working towards. I am not overweight but my body is definitely not as toned and trim as it should be for the amount of time and energy I put into excercise and maintaining a healthy diet. I recently stumbled upon your website and methods of excercise and weight loss, and I’m hooked. For the first time in my life, I am actually spending less time working out, but my work outs are much more effective! I would LOVE to learn more. Thank you for this opportunity!
I’ve been fighting the battle of the bulge for years and I am not losing the bulge. Once menopause hit, that battle was lost for sure. No matter what I’ve tried, I can’t seem to budge the bulge. Please help, if I could burn fat 24/7, I’d be the hot grandma that I am meant to be. Please help.