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Win a FREE copy of the 24/7 Fat Loss System!

Posted by Joel Marion


We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!

Joel & Craig

NOTE:  This contest is now closed.


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2,685 comments - add yours

The program just makes sense……Good health and better appearance.

I work out five days a week Barbell, dumbbell and kettle bells plus body weight exercises, keeps me good, but i cannot for the life of me shift the last bits of belly and lower abdomen fat, i have tried all sorts of diets and supplements no luck. I believe this could help me do that. Having already read the brief report and gained some valuable insight i am sure the whole program could help me go all the way.

I have been struggling with weight gain for the last few years and i tend to Yo yo. I can lose weight quickly and I always workout but I need to learn the best way to eat. I also would like to learn some new techniques when it coming to resistance and interval training. I have torn my ACL 3 times so I have pretty bad arthritis and sprint intervals on the treadmill hurt. I need to lose about 30 pounds and would like to accomplish this in 8 weeks.



I started working out last due to a severe back pain. I felt it was the end of the world. I first tried yoga which i did not come back due to embarassment as i was not able to do the poses. I tried recreational facility that allow me to have access to fitness class including yoga and gym. I was at first very shy to touch the machine as i do not know how to do it especially when there are people around. I was able to watch what others are doing and then i try it to myself. So far i am making some improvement as i think my back pain is resolved. I lost some weight and i feel better about myself. The problem is, i do exercise but not knowing which muscle group should i work. I also eat less but not choosing the right diet for me. I still eat what i feel like eating. The fat loss 24/7 would be a big help for me so i could have the idea and pattern or routine to follow in order to achieve healthy and balance life. Thanks

I want to keep being able to see my penis when looking down while naked.

Losing weight is tough. This looks promising.

I have trying to improve my overall health for the last six years. I quite smoking, gained weight, Got hypo thyroid, that caused more weight gain. Then not eating right, sleeping problems, you name it. I have done the wrong things to keep my body in shape. I have kinda half followed your messages about 24/7 fat loose and found it interesting way to try again to get my body back. I could be a test subject if like. I am 53 257lbs, thats down from 265 a year ago, 6’4″. I don’t look old , but I feel old a lot of times. I want to get back to the fun things in life. yours Chet

My excess weight is starting to cause health issues for me. Retirement is just around the corner. My goal is to shed some weight before retirement so when that time comes I will be healthy and able to enjoy life like I have never done before. Your 24/7 Fat Loss system appears to be the answer for me!

I am single working mother and have had 2 shoulder surgeries in the last 4 years during which time I steadily gained weight due to decreased activity. I finally hit an all time high of 231 pounds . . more than I ever weighed even during pregnancy. Two months ago my daughter got engaged and will be married in May . . I decided I better do some serious dieting as there is no way for me as Mother of the Bride to dodge the camera and I don’t want to be recorded in history at this weight. I started dieting and joined a gym . . but have only lost 15 pounds in the last two months. I still have 65 lbs more to lose in 6 months and two major food eating holidays to get through too. I read the articles emailed to me on How to Burn Fat 24/7 and they sound like the perfect solution to my situation. I have been paranoid of what will happen when I hit the dieters plateau or fall off the wagon at a holiday gathering . . but to be able to eat and still be burning fat is like an answer to prayer. If I am selected as a winner for free copy of your 24/7 Fat Loss program it will definitely be put to use and not left sitting on some shelf. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly win a copy of this system.

After 2 years with training I still need help with my belly fat it will not leave me

I need this program to save my life. I had a body fat test performed this week and almost half of my body weight is fat. I have tried many diets/programs in the past only to lose and then regain the weight. I am currently a member of a gym and am trying to keep myself healthy. I think your program will offer insight into what I keep doing wrong. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Why do I need this program? Considering the fact that I have never experienced what it feels like to be skinny, I am at my wits end on what to do about my pear shaped frame (yeah I like fruit). I have high blood pressure and my doctor yells at me like I’m his redheaded stepchild for not taking my BP medicine. Nevertheless, as I told him, I refuse to live the rest of my life on stupid medicines like my brother (diabetes, HBP & Crohn’s disease) and the rest of the nation. That was a year ago and I have yet to take my medicines to this day. Yes, I’m rogue like that.

Anyway… my smoking hot 34-yr-old girlfriend has even jumped on the bandwagon by getting on to me now. Not like tha… well, yeah ok.. like that but you know what I mean. She told me… and I quote… “You better not deny me our retirement in RIO.” Sooooo, now I have a decision to make. Smoking hot GF in RIO, or fat, lazy and on a deathbed… which leads back to my original question of why I need this program.

Please allow me to learn the CORRECT foods to eat, the RIGHT exercises to perform and the lifelong knowledge to keep me as naturally healthy for the remaining 68 years of my life on this 42-yr-old body. BTW… did I mention smoking hot 34-yr-old and RIO?

I truly believe that I would like to use this system for my family member who is in dire need, out of all the systems out there, this is the only one that makes complete and utter sense. The body seems to become immune to tactics; your system is really the only one I have heard about that tackles this issue. It is the only one that makes sense to assist your body not go into starvation mode. The only one out there that seems to understand that all foods at times need to be included. Your site is very godsending to many individuals. I personally would send oodles of folks to your information after using it for my family member, it’s not only is talking the talk but it would be walking the walk in proof to those around who see the transformation of my family member who has struggled with many issues of health concerns.

After discovering I am a celiac over a year ago, my life has been transformed. I have energy like I never had before and lost quite a bit of weight, but still have quite a bit to go. I can’t lose my gut. I have always known that carbs were a problem for me, but the atkins type diets never appealed to me because although carbs cause me to gain weight, I don’t want to cut them out completely. This plan looks perfect. Carbs, fat, and protein included but each of them having a place. I have also fallen in love with the types of workouts you suggest and find they serve me well. I want to someday become a nutritionist and as I transform my own life I want to help others undergo that transformation as well.

Help I can’t get my reply to post

The program comes at a time where i’ve repeatedly plateaued when it comes to fat loss. I did well with Joel’s XFLP program and merged onto John Romaniello’s SHW workout, but I still had trouble getting rid of stubborn fat in certain areas. Ive strugged most of my life with weight, so Joel and Roman both helped make it possible for me to see myself lose weight I once thought I could not. The 24/7 would help continue my progress and help me achieve the body ive desired for such a long time! The 24/7 Fat Loss Program is one for me!

I’ve tried it all! Well most anyway! I’m a personal trainer/ class instructor. people seem to love my class, Its a quick weight lifting class that has shaped up nicely after receiving the ”turbulence training” books! I know that diet is about 80% of your fat loss. I would like to loose 20lbs. My class watches me like a hawk. They notice my ups and downs before i do. And always asking what i did when my weight goes down. Would love to tell them about a sensible eating plan, instead of ” Oh, its stress weight”…
@ Joel Marion:

This would twin nicely with the new site on backpain that i have planned. Your timing is perfect!

My excess weight is starting to cause me other health issues. Retirement is just around the corner. My goal is to shed some weight so that I can enjoy retirement and life like I have never done before. The 24/7 Fat Loss system appears to be the answer for me!

Have been doing a lot of reading trying to find a program that makes sense. When I came across 24/7 Fat Loss thru Joel marion’s amazing blog (which I have been following religiously for 2 yrs. now) I instantly knew I did not have to look further. I believe it will be the ultimate program, combining Joel’s extensive research on Fat Loss and Craig’s highly acclaimed MIT & HIIT. It’s a total life changing program that’s PRACTICAL, UNDERSTANDABLE, DOABLE and DOES NOT REQUIRE A LOT OF TIME. This is truly revolutionary and a perfect fit to today’s lifestyle. Having read the 24/7 Fat Loss Report I can’t imagine how anyone would pass on this opportunity to get the whole system FOR FREE. Consider me…please!!!

Hello Joel,

I’m an endomorph that has spent the last 5 years grinding at a hard fitness life I’ve come from over 300lbs, but now I’m battling the struggles of that stubborn belly fat and love handles. I have fallowed some serious regented dieds and I exercise for all I’m worth. I need a little help to really get into that shape I’ve always dreamed of. With your help and a free copy of 24/7 fat loss I could be a great testimonial for how well your system works.

I want to keep being able to see my penis when naked.

For the past 11 years, fitness has been a bit of an obsession of mine. From first setting foot in a gym at age 15 to training at home with kettlebells as I now currently do, I’ve changed my training countless times, learned a lot, and am still learning. Although my training (as well as my character) has seen many huge changes, one common goal has always remained: fat loss.

That goal lingers on because I have failed to meet it time and time again. In recent years (from 2007 to early 2010) I took my nutrition and training more seriously because I wanted to achieve my goal SO badly. I would perform an intense, total-body workout with compound exercises 3 times a week, run sprint intervals on the 2 days in between (resting on the weekend), AND ate healthy 85% of the time. No matter how much I persisted or adjusted, the scale and the mirror would always show me the same thing. The fat just wouldn’t budge.

This has now been made even harder for me since I injured my knee in Jan. 2010 and am still recovering from my surgery in May 2011. Before reading your reports, the key concepts you explained never even occurred to me. I would really like to implement them, that just may be where I’ve been going wrong.

I am getting nearer to the 50’s and still have not achieved the body I know is inside me somewhere!! I would love to have this programme to finally get rid of the belly flab, burn fat 24/7 and finally see me abs!!

I would absolutely love to have the program for myself, however I would rather have it for my parents instead. My father had colon cancer surgery last year and my mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer on Monday. I would love to be able to give them both something that is not promised…..tomorrow. Life is so short and being able to help others, not just those in my immediate family would be a true miracle.

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