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Win a FREE copy of the 24/7 Fat Loss System!

Posted by Joel Marion


We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.

To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:

In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life.  Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.

Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply.  This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to  it.  Anyone.

So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.

We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!

Good luck!

Joel & Craig

NOTE:  This contest is now closed.


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I am 51 years old an and need to lose about 100 pounds. I have several problems with my heart and need to get the weight off. There is family history of heart attack. I have tried alot of “diets” but not much success. I need step by step instruction and encouragement. I think your program would give me the tools, info, and instruction that I need. I want so much to end the cycle of weight gain and loss. I need to be around to see my grand kids grow up and to see my daughter get married next summer. I want to feel good about the way I look again And I know with this program I can do it.

I really would like to acquire this tool to rid me of the last 10-15lbs of fat. This would be a great end to a fatloss journey, which up till now has allowed me to shed over 60lbs of fat and to take up a new and healthier lifestyle. As we all know the last 10-15lbs are always the hardest, and I need that little extra help in the shape of the ultimate fatloss tool, and 27/7 Fatloss looks like it could be it! I think 27/7 Fatloss could prove to be both a general fatloss tool, but also a tool to target specific goals. In case I am the lucky one, I will of course report my progress back to you!

Four kids later, struggling to return to a prepregnancy weight that eludes me – I need a lifestyle change in eating not a “diet” to help get the weight off and keep it off. These last 15 pounds I’ve been unable to shed for 8 years!

I think this program may be right for me, I have had a weight problem all my life going through school around a weight of 284 and reaching a max of 370lbs, 2 1/2 years ago when I had finally had enough and began my journey to lose weight and to try to become fit, I have lost 150lbs but did the wrong way by starving myself and I lost 80lbs of the 150 in a 3 month period but bilateral inguinal hernias may have contributed but because of the rapid weight loss I have been left with loose baggy skin and a lot of work to do

Hi Joel,
I am excited about your program so I can able to learn your wisdom, the way of eating and exercise to help me to shed 35lbs of fat. I am needing to understand how to restore my metabolism and hormones to make my body into shape for the first time. I want to help my family and friends on what I’ve learned it from you. May God bless you.

Joel: I need this right now! I was at the point in my life that I was finally making some progress with healthy eating and getting fit. A year ago while vacationing in South Africa, I took a fall down some wet steps and threw out my left hip, back, left shoulder, and neck! I had to stop working out and along with that went the healthy eating. I had to take certain medications just to get through the pain. I have been making great progress and working my way back. I have the motivation. I have the personal enthusiasm and drive to get back what I have lost! What I am lacking right now are the proper tools. That is where your amazing program comes in. I need this! I am happy to let everyone come along my journey with me and share photos, comments, etc. Thank you for this opportunity! : )

In the past couple of years health has been a huge amount o my life. I was diagnosed with diabetes, have very low potassium, high cholesterol, and fatty liver disease. At first it was simply managing a diet to keep my sugar lower but with everything else factored in “diet” becomes confusing and frustrating. I’m five foot tall and over 200 pounds, I absolutely need to lose the weight but I’m not adequate in my knowledge to do so in an effective and healthy way. The 24/7 Fat Loss system would be a life saver to me and offer me the knowledge and support to maintain my health. It may sound dramatic to say but it really is a matter of life and death for me beccause the longer I stay heavy, the longer my health is at risk.

A year ago, I was 55, severely overweight at 225 pound and in need of a hip resurfacing surgery. Following surgery, I have dropped 45 pounds using Body for Life principles, but still need to lose some stubborn fat around my stomach. Because you are a person who has been very successful with Body for Life, I am extremely interested in your new program and believe that it will help me be successful in getting rid of what has proved to be very hard to get rid of fat.

I’m 21 , I need a way to be fit and healthy, boost my self confidence and this sounds like the perfect way.

Hi, guys- thanks so much for this opportunity. I’ve just begun a six month personal challenge to change my life’s direction in a big way.
I believe your program will teach me how to make permanent changes in my health and physical fitness that will end my up and down dieting. I’m intent on creating lifestyle changes to reach my goals and everything I’ve read leads me to believe you have that key for me.

I am newly a single mom and have struggled with my weight as long as I can remember. Prior to my baby I worked out alot and didn’t see the desired results, I felt great but my body wasn’t changing the way I wanted it to. I want to be comfortable with my body to do activities with my child when he is older, such as taking him swimming. So with not as much time on my hands with a baby, I believe this program would be a perfect fit for my life to achieve my goals and live a happy healthy life.

Hi Joel & Craig,
Your program is exactly what my wife & I are needing right now. I am 5’11, 256; she is 5’4, 158. Our kids are grown & married and we want to be in good shape to have fun with our grandkids (6,4,&1). We are eating better than we ever have in the past, but the weight is not coming off. We want to start a regular exercise program but don’t know where to begin. We’ve tried a few programs, and they all do a few things well, but they don’t have the overall vision that you are suggesting. I have a goal of hiking the Tahoe Rim Trail for my 50th next summer but I am worried about trying to get 256# of me AND a pack over 165 miles of mountainous terrain. We’ve been reading about what you are doing and it sounds right for us. Thank you for your efforts.

Joel & Craig

I need this kind of help badly, I am now 38 years old. about 8 years ago I had a bad accident during 4th of July skydiving weekend. In which I met my now wife. I spent 17 days in the hospital 3 surgeries. According to the doctor My left femur was broken in 3 places. 19″ rod inserted. My right leg had a soft tissue injury (well that’s what he said). Ok jump ahead my right foot and lower leg has been numb for the past 8 years slowing getting better. Doctor said it may never. But my wife just finished her nurse training and with her concerns about the right leg we had some test done. And we found out that during the broken leg sugary the day of my accident the sugary team placed my leg in the wrong position and created a loss of o2 to my lower leg which caused the swelling the next and thus the second two surgeries. So the hospital and doctor lied to me and I found out about this to late to hold them accountable. Now my son is born and I need to have my energy level back for him. and being 6’2″ 315. I need the best help out there. Exercise is slowly coming back with less pain every week, however my eating skills suck.

I could really use this help

2 hours in a gym is no longer an option and although I am not overweight, at 41 my metabolism has slowed and left me getting flabby vs a toned body. I gained weight doing cardio and lost 1 lb a month for 4months doing bootcamp…..HELP!!!!

i have been reading your free information and using it faithfully during the last few weeks and have seen success with my limited amount of knowledge. I am exited to see what I can do having the full package. I have tried many different plans for losing weight but this one truly appeals to me as it offers information that can have a life long impact on my health and how I eat . This seems to me like the only plan I will ever need to achieve and maintain the body and vitality I desire for the rest of my life.

I need this information as I work behind a desk all day in a very stressful office environment. I go to the gym 4 days a week but still seem to be hanging onto some fat around my mid section (may have something to do with elevated cortisol levels too)?

I am 46 years of age with 2 teenage daughters and I want to be around for their futures.

I’m 60 years old. I train hard with weights and sprinting, (20 dips/10 pull-ups @45 lbs. plate – repeat 400m @1:42) but cannot get my percent body fat below 11%. My arms and legs are very defined, but my torso still has a small layer of fat that I cannot put a dent in, even though I live on chicken breasts and broccoli. I think your program would benefit all athletes in my age group.

Simple… I want/need the program!!! Lost job over a year ago and still looking…. and wish I could support buying the program to support the work and research you have done and time you have put into the effort of helping others to be healthy.

Want/need pgram due to plateauing out you have done. Want program to stay healthy and well and to increase strength and tone. I want to be around for a long time – family is important!!

Hi, guys- thanks so much for this opportunity. I’ve just begun a six month personal challenge to change my life’s direction in a big way.
I believe your program will teach me how to make permanent changes in my health and physical fitness that will end my up and down dieting. I’m intent on creating lifestyle changes to reach my goals and everything I’ve read leads me to believe you have that key for me. I belief your program will also aid my mental and emotional well being and help empower me on all my endeavors.

I am interested in your program to see if what you are sharing really works. As we age and our bodies change, continuing the same as when we are younger is unrealistic. Is there help for those of us that have desks jobs, long hours and too many obligations to make time for one’s self? Also, my husband has had hernia surgery for the third time, is still experiencing pain, needs to shed weight and use movements that will not cause medical issues. Hoping your program can shed some light and give direction.

I will be 46 years old next week and I have over 100 pounds to lose. I have been overweight for over 15 years and I’m one who needs structure and guidance. This program sounds perfect for me. I have kids in their pre-teens who are active in sports and other activities. I want to be able to participate in those times with them before its too late. If it works for me, maybe I can also get my husband to follow. I so wish for our entire family to be healthy and active. Thanks for the opportunity!

I am a single parent of 2 wonderful kids. I think this program would help me to loose the 80 lbs I desperately need to loose to be much healthier and be around alot longer to be with my children. I have tried numerous diets with hardly any results at all.

The 24/7 fat loss program can benifit me greatly right now with my first child on the way and time sliping away and nutrition so important in my training, the 24/7 fat loss program will help me make sure I am keeping my fat at bay and my nutrition on track. Using all the steps and tricks to keep u metabolism guessing and in full throttle with 24/7 meal plans and secret tips to keep food fun and easy I will be able with my limited time to eat and train to keep my body in shape and on track. I have worked so hard to get to where I am physically today and the 24/7 fat loss program will make sure I keep all that hard work I’ve done and continue to advance my physic better then ever.

Hey guys, i believe I need this report as I am trying to improve my body image. I was actually redirected here by Mehdi after looking at his body building routines. By using both of the reports available from you and Mehdi, I hope to finally achieve a brilliant body image and in turn inprove my confidence out in the street.
Thanks for reading

I served 12 years in the Marine Corps, 3 years of that as a Marine Corps Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor with 1 tour in combat. After my tour in Iraq in 2006-2007, I decided to pursue some entrepreneur opportunities outside of the Corps.

I found myself involved in the fitness industry because when I was a Senior Drill Instructor, a movie director was embedded with my platoon and filmed a documentary called “Ears, Open. Eyeballs, Click.”Through this film, men and women from around the world have come to corollate me as a subject matter expert. That led to an influx of phone calls, emails, request, etc. looking for guidance when it comes to the military, getting fit and losing weight.

I currently own and run a fitness program called MDI 8 (MDI8.com). We train communities to get fit through military style instruction that involve Metabolic Resistance Training through body weight and resistance bands. We incorporate circuit/interval type training with incomplete recovery into all of our workouts to help people tap into their Metabolic Deficit. Based out of San Diego, Ca., we have plans in place to stand up MDI 8 locations nationwide.

With over 16 years of physical fitness, education and training, the one area that is still foggy would be the nutrition aspect. This program could allow me to solidify our program to make a greater impact across the US. At the end of the day, that’s what it is all about.

Michael W. Nichols

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