I have been struggling for the last ten years to get rid of the excess fat around my midsection. No matter what I try to do by changing my diet, exercise regimen, and life habits…nothing seems to be working. At the age of 41, I need and desire to find the right way to stay in shape for the rest of my life. I think your program sounds like an excelllent way for me to finally achieve my goals…the one I have been struggling with for so many years..
We’re going to make this post extremely quick and easy.
To enter to win one of the five TEN free copies of the entire 24/7 Fat Loss system that we’re GIVING AWAY today, simply reply in the comments section below this post (reply form is at the bottom of the page) with the following information:
In 250 words or less, we want you to tell us exactly why this program is the perfect program for you at this point in your life. Tell us WHY you NEED access to this information.
Again, please keep your reply less than 250 words, and please, leave finances out of your reply. This program (via our special VIP pre-sale) will be affordable for literally anyone who wants access to it. Anyone.
So, again, leaving the financial stuff out, we want you to tell us, based on everything you’ve learned about the strategic 24/7 Fat Loss system over the last 6 updates, why this program is the perfect fit for you.
We will keep the contest open for a full 24 hours, and then we’ll go through the replies and notify the winners via email sometime late Saturday!
Good luck!
Joel & Craig
NOTE: This contest is now closed.
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I am 20 kg overweight and would like very much to start the 24/7 FAT LOST program, I have grown a belly wich I dislike very much and I need to know how I can burn fat 24 hours a day. I think your program will help me to reach my goal, it sounds great and you look great . Thank you very much for considering me for a copy of your program.
I’ve been struggling and failing to lose the weight I gained after I got home from a tour in Afghanistan in 2005. When I was deployed, I got totally ripped by eating right (as best as I could given limited choices) and lifting/interval cardio. That was almost 7 years ago and I am creeping up on 30 and have gained 20 lbs. of fat since then. I can’t find a system that works for me in the civilian world–I know what I need to do, but don’t have time to plan. I have a full time job in addition to running a small urban organic farm and taking night classes. This is perfect for me right now because I am totally behind the science and I would love to get myself back into shape in time for the trip home at Christmas, and for the trip my friends and I are taking to celebrate our 30th birthdays early next year. Thanks!
ok….well…tell all – interesting – for me…
I’m fat and uncomfortable in my skin! I am a hot-sexy-GRANDma in a Barrel Body! In the last 3 years I have taken over raising my 4 GrandChildren, gained 45 pounds and lost my self-esteem (in the process).
I am nearing 60 and believe that I CAN raise these children “and” enjoy life with them once 24/7 Fat Loss System provides me the tools to BE the vibrant, exciting Grandma this program will reveal :)
The nutritional information provided (Nutrient Combining and Carb Syncing) and metabolic burn I’ll receive with the 3rd portion (Strategic Overfeeding) of the “3” guidelines offers unlimited possibilities!! The 9 components of this system (in your summarization) will provide me a NO FAIL/SUCCESS STORY that I can share with everyone (even my Grandchildren!)
I believe it is important to provide my children with a good healthy example of HOW to live life. Your program is my opportunity to improve “ME”.
I want my Grandchildren to remember their Grandmother as the one they TRIED to keep up with :)
Thanx for picking ME!!!
Its not very nice to be called fat your whole life. I have always engaged in sports and outdoor activities but I was never in great shape. Various sports I played in high school teams included basketball and swimming. However, the two surgeries being done on me, each caused by the two sports I love, told myself I was not fit enough in the core and I need to face the problem. I know all this burn down to my diet because I literally eat 3-4 times more than a normal person! I have read so many articles online about cutting carb, more vegetables etc. for a healthier body and I have tried them all. They did not have too much effect nor did they last long on me because I did not know how keep it up “consistently”.
When I read about 24/7 Fat loss system it’s the first time I see such a nice, complete, unique, and systematic diet with convincing science behind it. The variety on the topics it covers amazed me and I could foresee by following it, I could actually see my six packs the first time in my life. I want to have a healthier and nicer body and I want to educate others how I did it as well. I need to access this information now because I want to be able to capture the best moment in my youth and help others as soon as possible.
I’ve always been active having played hockey for a good long time. I got into retriever training 10 years ago and the grind of training every day put a ton of weight on me that has been hell getting off in the abdominal area. I’m 55 now and decided after I got totally burned out with training my dogs and other people’s dogs that I would do something for me as in get back in shape.
I set an original goal of not having a gut for my son’s wedding. I achieved that goal by the 17-September 2011 date. After doing a lot of running and some weights over the past year, I finally got into an intense resistance program. It’s working, but I need more because I want to go from my current 20% body fat to something under 15%; 10% would be ideal.
I also want to pass this onto my diabetic, overweight wife who needs a huge push to get moving. I seriously doubt this Weight Watchers program she is on because I don’t see any balance in what they are doing. We’ve been married 29 years and it would be a blessing to have her with me until we are both old and gray – like 90!!!!!!!
I have just registered for a half iron-man and I have 8 months to get in the best shape of my life. As a former collegiate swimmer, I know the kind of hard work it takes to accomplish goals, but I have put on some weight since I stopped swimming for school, and I want to lose the fat before competing in the half iron-man. I think this program would give me a good way to approach that goal.
Hi my name is JD and this looks like a program that I can get into. It’s nice to know that its not about the calorie count but the combination of foods. I am trying to get back on the field and play some rugby and all other sports again but I want to do it with out being winded. I really just need this good motivation.
I would like to win a copy because I love learning and talking about everything nutrition and fitness related and having been following you and Craig as well as Dr. K, Roman and Vinny D I have been able to take what I accomplished with my weight loss goals even further. I’d like to be able to drop to below 20% body fat and I’m right there and I have been struggling to make it past this goal and this I know would help me do that after which I plan to go on a muscle building program. I’m also in the process of becoming a personal trainer and anything that can increase my knowledge base to help others achieve results is a plus.
I’m 74 now and need a healthy work out. hopefully it can make me live longer.
I am so tired of exercising 3-5 hours a week and seeing absolutely no results. I have lost the same 30-50 lbs several times, only to gain it all back due to frustration. If I lose weight, it seems I gain it back even easier. I tell people I gain weight from smelling what they eat. If I exercise I do feel better – but don’t see results in weight loss. When I don’t exercise I feel a little more tired but my weight loss results are the same. I am excited about putting together a nutrition and exercise program that works together and results are the reward. I guess I can always go back to the HcG diet if I don’t win this program!
Hello Joel & Craig! I would love to share your system with the college students I work with who struggle with the “freshman 15”, poor body image, and/or exercise addiction. If they had a program that explained how to successfully manage their diet, exercise and weight, they could free up so much time and energy to fully focus on their studies and the life learning that happens during college. I think their success stories would spread around the campus like wildfire and even more people could be helped by your program. Athletics and our Fitness Center are part of my department and I think our athletes and fitness center members would really benefit as well!
Thank you so much for this opportunity! I have been following your postings and emails for a while now, and feel strongly that you can help. A year ago I watched my Mom pass away from what can mostly be described as poor lifestyle habits, leaving her at over 300, and with a host of illnesses. In the mirror, I saw myself go down the very same path. With a false hip, hypertension, and 46% body fat – I said No More. But I need all the advice I can get, and I need it soon. I have made a commitment to change, but I don’t think I can do this on my own. I will be 60 soon, and I’m asking for help. Please consider my request for the free package.
As get older, harder to get rid of pounds and inches so need this help!
Dear Joel and Craig,
I am 54 years old and have been overweight/obese most of my adult life. I started working out with weights at age 18 and have had various gym memberships. I have a BS in Foods and Nutrition, and this program looks sound. I need to be in the best shape possible to be a caregiver for my husband and mom, and be competitive in the healthcare job market and possible further medical education, competing against much younger, fitter people. This program would affect the lives of several people close to me, and it would not just be for me that I am doing this. Thank you.
Dorothy D
I was not a very active person, but when I turned 36 I become aware that this should change. From then on for few years I worked out almost every day, I changed my diet, I lost a lot of fat. This was since a year ago when it seemed that all these suddenly do not work any more for me. Now I am 41 years old and I still work out sometimes but not so often because I feel tired and I lack motivation. Because I tried a lot of diets, my metabolism doesn’t seem to be at his best potential, so the results of my training and food deprivation doesn’t work any more for me. I would like to give a try to 24/7 Fat Loss System. In your e-mails from the last few days you explained some concepts and strategies that I wasn’t aware of before. This gave me hope that I can still change for better my health and my body. Thank you.
I am a 62 year old woman with hypertension and thyroid issues who has tried just about every diet out there, including the latest fad HCG. Sure I’ve lost weight, and gained it back time and again. I would love to learn how to burn fat 24/7. Sounds like a good plan and I think this would work for me. Just knowing the proper foods to eat and when and how to eat them would be great. Most diets tell you what you can’t eat not what you should eat. From what I’ve read I truly think there is something to combining certain foods to get the ultimate benefits. I am not big on excerise but am willing to try as long as I can do it in the privacy of my own home.
Looking forward to the new program and a chance to get a free copy. Thank you!
I am 41 and just had our forth baby. I have put 25kgs during the pregnancy and really worried that I won’t shed the weight. 5 years ago, due to a life treatening health issue, I have to give up running and strength training, slowly but surely started to put on weight (10kgs) and not be able to lose it. I am able exercise again and believe I eat well, but its as though I’ve turned off a switch. I have literally tried everything, but nothing seems to work. I really want to look and feel good again and will give your system 110%. Your system sounds like the just the right thing for me at the right time.
I am a 29 years old woman from Montreal, who decided about 3 yrs that I was tired of being fat, I wanted to feel as great on the outside as I did in the inside. I managed to loose 20 pds on my own and another 20 pds with the Truth about Abs program for a total loss of 40 pds. At 5’4 and 171 pds, I am 15-20 pds away from my target weight. I would love to look at my best and feel fabulous before I hit my 30th birthday next year in April.
I’m a science type of guy. So when you guys start explaining the science behind the the way your body works in conjunction with working out it actually motivated me. I hope to win one but if not hopefully its affordable.
Ive been struggling with my weight for a long time. Its come to a point where i am endangering myself with it. I need to make a more effective step to losing this weight and require a system that not only works, but will work for the future. Im sick and tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing the person i should be, seeing a stranger. This system, and the obvious faith that you guys have put into it, would be a great step to helping me become the man i always thought, always WANTED, i should be. I dont want to look in the mirror and be unhappy with what i see any more.
I NEED this program because I am 65 lbs overweight after giving birth to my first daughter last year I cannot get the weight off. I am uncomfortable and hate the way I look and feel so much that I run away from the camera which means that I don’t have pictures with my daughter as mementoes of her first year. My personal relationship has deteriorated – we say we’ll work on it, but end up doing nothing. In addition, I think the discomfort I’m feeling in my clothing is also impacting my professional growth, as I don’t dress the part at work anymore which means people don’t look at me as seriously as they once did when I was slimmer and more confident in myself. My weight issue is turning into a domino effect… Lastly, from what I’ve read I would enjoy the workout piece but the other parts to put it all together and finally be successful.
I need the system to help kick my weightloss into overdrive. I’m tired of being the tall kid that isn’t innshape but isn’t in shape’ to me that’s just not acceptable. This goal will also help me drop the weight and allow me to enter the Marine Corps