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Are you experiencing the AFTERBURN?

Posted by Joel Marion

In the last update I talked to you about the massive shortcomings of “slow-go” aerobic exercise for fat loss and began to briefly touch on the benefits of something much more effective – short duration, high intensity exercise.

Simply put, if you are looking for the fastest fat loss results, high intensity exercise is a MUST.

Short duration, high intensity exercise comes in two major forms: metabolic resistance training and interval training. Today, I want to take a DEEP look into the benefits of each.

First up, metabolic resistance training:

As mentioned in my previous post, metabolic resistance training is simply “cardio with weights”, and when speaking of the most effective form of exercise for the fastest possible fat loss, this is it.

A couple of studies to support this that my buddy Alwyn Cosgrove dug up:

Schuenke MD, Mikat RP, McBride JM.
Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications for body mass management.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;86(5):411-7. Epub 2002 Jan 29.

In this study a 30-minute circuit style metabolic resistance training session was put to the test. The result was a 38 hour increase in metabolism – massive AFTERBURN.

Let’s put this in perspective: Say that you worked out at 8AM on Friday. By way of metabolic resistance training, you’d still be burning calories from that workout while out at the movies on Saturday night.

You want to burn calories by watching Wolverine? Now you can.

Here’s another:

Kramer, Volek et al.
Influence of exercise training on physiological and performance changes with weight loss in men.
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 1320-1329, 1999.

This study showed that those who added metabolic resistance training to a reduced calorie diet burned up to 44% more fat than those who dieted alone.

Don’t get me wrong, diet is the NUMBER ONE component of the fat loss puzzle, but once you’ve got that down, metabolic resistance training can really take your results to a whole new level.

And here’s one more:

Bryner RW, Ullrich IH, Sauers J, Donley D, Hornsby G, Kolar M, Yeater R.
Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.
J Am Coll Nutr. 1999 Apr;18(2):115-21.

This study compared “slow-go” aerobic exercise to metabolic resistance training and found that the resistance group lost significantly more fat without losing ANY lean muscle even at an extremely low calorie intake (not so for the aerobic group).

In fact, believe it or not, while the aerobic group experienced a decrease in metabolism (and lost muscle), the resistance training group actually increased overall metabolic rate.

THAT’S the power of metabolic resistance training.

Convinced that metabolic resistance training flat out WORKS? Good. Next up, interval training:

Interval training is simply a form of high intensity cardio in which you alternate back and forth between periods of high effort and periods of active recovery.

For example, you may run very hard for a period of one minute and then follow it up with walking for one minute, repeating 8-10 times for a less-than-20-minute workout.

Does it work?

Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.
Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism.
Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):814-8

Are you sitting down? If not, take a seat.

You want to know what happened when this research group compared 20 weeks of endurance training vs. 15 weeks of interval training?

While the aerobic/endurance group actually managed to burn more total calories during exercise, the interval training group lost NINE TIMES more body fat. NINE TIMES.

Nine times more fat loss in half the time? The clear choice for fat loss is interval training.

And it all comes down to elevated metabolism after your workout is completed – the afterburn.

Are you experiencing the afterburn?

Give me at least 700 comments and I’ll be back tomorrow with some sample interval training workouts and a post you won’t want to miss!

Talk to you in the comments section!


P.S.  Every so often, something crosses my desk that’s just too good not to share with you.  Well, my buddy and uber nutritionist Kyle Leon is at it again:

==> Metabolism trick to OVERCOME your genetics (actually works)


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835 comments - add yours
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I would love some information on effective interval training. I am always looking for new ways to intensify my workouts.

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I’m excited to hear more about metabolic resistance training and intervals used together! Is this similar to the FYM workouts that Holly has put together? Either way, I am very interested to see some example workouts – will you have something for beginners for my husband and me? We’re both over 40 and have had serious back problems, so that’s a big concern when beginning a new activity at this point – and we both have a considerable amount of weight to lose. We both want to do this but we also want to be safe with it and work up to our former strength. We’ve been sidelined for some time now and don’t want to make a mistake that causes a setback (back healthwise). Looking forward to hearing/seeing more!

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I can’t wait for the next steps! I need to know the best things to do, hopefully without a gym. Excellent article and I like that you have resources to back you up. Are there studies that contradict them? Hope not! I need some GOOD advise, not more flash-in-the-pan.

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Hey everyone. I have recently been doing both metabolic resistance training and HIIT or High Intensity Intervals Training (really mixed interval aerobic) for a short while now and I noticed huge improvements in fat los and my ability to recover more quickly. These training methods are most effective for FAT BURNING!

Firstly, both methods are a lot less stressful on your body, while offering maximum benefit in a shorter period of time — what more could you ask for?

For HIIT Training, you can choose your favourite cardio exercise (bike, treadmill, jogging/running, swimming etc and just do the following. Keep in mind that high intensity is whatever level of intensity gets you to about 8-9 /10.

2 min warm up (moderate intensity)
30 sec high intensity, then 60 sec moderate (what Joel calls active recovery)
45 sec high intensity, then 90 sec moderate intensity / recovery
60 sec high intensity, then 120 sec moderate intensity / recovery
2 min cool down (moderate intensity)

Metobolic Resistance Training is using your favourite weight training program to make you break out in a sweat. Personally I do 1 set of 8-12 reps using the maximum weight I can do without reaching failure by the 10th rep. (Everyone will tell you a different strategy for max benefit and the exact how to’s on the positive and negative spectrums of weight training). THEN, you move on to the weight resistance exercise with little rest inbetween. The idea is you keepi working from one to the next, allowing your body 30-60 sec recovery before the next exercise, thus creating a cardio effect. You WILL burn a sweat if you are using the proper weight, lifting effectively and not wasting time between exercises. Focus on the MAJOR muscle groups and the smaller ones will also benefit.

My HIT workout is less than 18 min and my weight training workout is about 20 min. Most of the gurus out there are saying pretty much the same thing. REMEMBER: These methods are most effective for FAT BURNING. Weight Training methods vary, depending on what your goal is.

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Hi, Joel.
You are inspiring me to try getting some exercise into my life, but it is difficult for me. I am 63 and have arthritis in my hips. My right one especially is often very painful and it’s a challenge for me to even do physio stretches. My right quad is very weak (for instance, getting into a car I have to lift the leg with my hand, and I can only step up stairs on my left foot). I am trying your diet regime, but I don’t know how to get the high-intensity exercise that you recommend.

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Best interval training???


Great resistance training would be supersets. Superset your squats with your benchpress, you deadlifts with bent over rows. Superset everything!!! I feel like I’ve ran a sub 4 minute mile after my workouts.

I’m 31 years old, 5’6″ and 163lbs. I’m down from 179 in 3 months. I know 5’6 163 sounds little. I’m working out with 245 on bench press not to mention supersetting with squats. In short, I’ve managed to get leaner, stronger, and lighter in 3 months with these types of trainings and a hardcore diet. I’m completely shredded now and my wife loves it. My wife had a baby 3 months ago and has lost 51lbs since working out with me. She nearly has a 6 pack after just giving birth!! Oh yeah, I ate a whole pizza last Saturday!!!!!!!!

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What about just high intensity training period. Lets say go 20-30 minutes at a hard effort and forget the recovery if you can. If you do this say on a bike or a treadmill, you will get a tremendous afterburn and maybe even more effective than throwing in the intervals. Of course, this is probably for people who can already handle intervals without a problem Or at least, make the high intensity intervals longer and longer until the whole workout is high intentisy. Dave

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Well, his article is more interesting that the last one. I’m really impressed with your issues, and I’d really like to do them.
I want to gain muscular mass while losing body fat in order to get ripped.
If this works so well, I’m going to share this system with all my friends that wnat the same thing: lose fat.
Greetings from Mexico, Man. Have a nice weekend

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I have seen and tried inerval training (HIIT) before but would like to see what you have to say

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Makes sense to me! Would love to see what you have to share

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I’ve been on board with these types of workouts for about a year and a half and love doing them and the results I get. Would love to see some more workout options.

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Great post! Another thing to note is that high intensity training is by far more fun than slow go aerobic training.
You really know the keys for fat loss, keep it like that man.
Greetings from mexico.

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@Cindy – What did you do exactly? I would love to see that kind of loss for me.


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Hi Joel!

Those last 3 posts give us the felling that steady state cardio is useless.
I mean, if you just do metabolic resistance training and interval training, wouldn’t be easy to be in overtraining?
1 year ago I got overtrained because of those high intensity training, even though my diet was fine. And guess what: loss of muscle was unavoidable.
Almost all bodybuilders mix both types of training, maybe to avoid what hit me in the past.
I think you should have mentioned about overtraining and stuffs like that.
What’s your opinion?


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yeah man, those are great facts!!!

pleas give us examples for the metabolic resistance training


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@Pat – Hm that sounds weird Pat. Why are you doing high reps with low weight? There is significant calorie loss and taken too much of your time. Why not just go for a high yet liftable weight and u will get through it in at most ten repetitions in three sets? If you do a full body workout, it will take at most 2 hours… – –

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Hi Joel,
My question is, to get absolutely rip when your body is already lean, will it be effective to do HIIT all the time to get absolutely shredded? Or do you have any professional advice about this?

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Well I have learned something this morning. I am one of those unfortunate people who spends 1.5 hours at the gym only to spend the next day tired sore and lacking in energy, not to mention with very little change. I never new why but know I do. I have built up muscles but there is still too much fat over the top!
I enjoy running so Interval training should be my next stop.
I am loving the diet and have seen some good results, the varriety is great.
Many thanks.

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I’m still stuck on “nine times the fat”! Very cool…

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I agree with what you say Joel. I used to do this when I was in better shape. My problem is; I’m not in very good shape since I had radiation treatments a few months back for prostate cancer. There’s no way I can run full out for a minute or rest for just a minute between. Do you have any suggestions for someone just getting back in shape? Also, I can’t afford to go to a gym. Is it posible to do something at home. Thanks

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Very interesting information. I’m all for less time and more efficency in workouts.
Look forward to hearing more…..

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I am interested to see your examples of metabolic train ing. My only concern is for people with low fitness and the possibility of injury not to mention putting them off training if they feel like they’re going to die!!! Also whilst training for a figure comp there was no way towards the end that I could manage a high intensity session.

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hey joel. currently trying out your diet plan after buying your e-book. i am still within the ‘priming’ phase. am very interested to know about metabolic resistance training; is it different from weight training? i attend body pump classes at my gym 2-3 times a week, as i heard that resistance training is better than slow go cardio any day. between these workouts at the gym, i do interval training (running outdoors) for about 1/2 hour twice a week. although i ate healthily and exercised in this manner before this, i still did not achieve my ideal body. that’s why i bought your e-book, in hopes of finally finding the solution to my constant battle with my weight. looking forward to your sample workouts!

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Well I tried HIIT this morning and had to quit half way through and just continue at a slow go pace for the remaining time. I guess I just found out that I’m not in as good a shape as I thought I was in! :(

I will try again and again until I get better at it.

Can’t wait to read your next post!

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I changed my workout on the Hydro rowing machine to your Basic 15 min MIT workout – and now I actually work up a sweat. I follow that with a 15 min dumbell workout. I do this on alternating days with my Curves workout. I had already lost the weight I wanted to, and I hope this will help keep it off. That isn’t easy when you are 56!

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