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Are you experiencing the AFTERBURN?

Posted by Joel Marion

In the last update I talked to you about the massive shortcomings of “slow-go” aerobic exercise for fat loss and began to briefly touch on the benefits of something much more effective – short duration, high intensity exercise.

Simply put, if you are looking for the fastest fat loss results, high intensity exercise is a MUST.

Short duration, high intensity exercise comes in two major forms: metabolic resistance training and interval training. Today, I want to take a DEEP look into the benefits of each.

First up, metabolic resistance training:

As mentioned in my previous post, metabolic resistance training is simply “cardio with weights”, and when speaking of the most effective form of exercise for the fastest possible fat loss, this is it.

A couple of studies to support this that my buddy Alwyn Cosgrove dug up:

Schuenke MD, Mikat RP, McBride JM.
Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications for body mass management.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;86(5):411-7. Epub 2002 Jan 29.

In this study a 30-minute circuit style metabolic resistance training session was put to the test. The result was a 38 hour increase in metabolism – massive AFTERBURN.

Let’s put this in perspective: Say that you worked out at 8AM on Friday. By way of metabolic resistance training, you’d still be burning calories from that workout while out at the movies on Saturday night.

You want to burn calories by watching Wolverine? Now you can.

Here’s another:

Kramer, Volek et al.
Influence of exercise training on physiological and performance changes with weight loss in men.
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 1320-1329, 1999.

This study showed that those who added metabolic resistance training to a reduced calorie diet burned up to 44% more fat than those who dieted alone.

Don’t get me wrong, diet is the NUMBER ONE component of the fat loss puzzle, but once you’ve got that down, metabolic resistance training can really take your results to a whole new level.

And here’s one more:

Bryner RW, Ullrich IH, Sauers J, Donley D, Hornsby G, Kolar M, Yeater R.
Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.
J Am Coll Nutr. 1999 Apr;18(2):115-21.

This study compared “slow-go” aerobic exercise to metabolic resistance training and found that the resistance group lost significantly more fat without losing ANY lean muscle even at an extremely low calorie intake (not so for the aerobic group).

In fact, believe it or not, while the aerobic group experienced a decrease in metabolism (and lost muscle), the resistance training group actually increased overall metabolic rate.

THAT’S the power of metabolic resistance training.

Convinced that metabolic resistance training flat out WORKS? Good. Next up, interval training:

Interval training is simply a form of high intensity cardio in which you alternate back and forth between periods of high effort and periods of active recovery.

For example, you may run very hard for a period of one minute and then follow it up with walking for one minute, repeating 8-10 times for a less-than-20-minute workout.

Does it work?

Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.
Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism.
Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):814-8

Are you sitting down? If not, take a seat.

You want to know what happened when this research group compared 20 weeks of endurance training vs. 15 weeks of interval training?

While the aerobic/endurance group actually managed to burn more total calories during exercise, the interval training group lost NINE TIMES more body fat. NINE TIMES.

Nine times more fat loss in half the time? The clear choice for fat loss is interval training.

And it all comes down to elevated metabolism after your workout is completed – the afterburn.

Are you experiencing the afterburn?

Give me at least 700 comments and I’ll be back tomorrow with some sample interval training workouts and a post you won’t want to miss!

Talk to you in the comments section!


P.S.  Every so often, something crosses my desk that’s just too good not to share with you.  Well, my buddy and uber nutritionist Kyle Leon is at it again:

==> Metabolism trick to OVERCOME your genetics (actually works)


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835 comments - add yours
Reply  |  Quote

Great post!you never fail to impress!

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Great article! Would love to see some sample MRT and HIIT routines.

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I really wanted to beleive that slow to moderate cardio could still help lose some fat, but after doing cardio 4 days a week for a few weeks and not seeing any positive results, I got me right back to hating it all over again.

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I’ve just started shadowing boxing…. is this good resistance/high intensity training?

I punch as hard as I can for two minutes then take a minutes rest then repeat this. I do about 30 minutes in total.

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Absolutely! I love high intensity intervals. Its the only way i train. I would love some more ideas

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72 with hip bursitis…..but darn it, I need to lose some bellyfat! I’ll try some of your recommendations!1

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@ Jamie:

Would love to hear some of your examples of a Interval Training worout!!

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I have been primarily experimenting in both MRT and Interval Training for awhile now. But I have completely relied on these two form of training since the start of this holiday season. It’s a great way to maintain your weight (without any weight gain at all) and still allow yourself to indulge in those delightful holiday treats and feasts.

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I am definitely interested in metabolic resistance training!!! Can’t wait.

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I’m just getting started. Right now just working on being more consistent with my workouts, but I definitely want to know more about interval training.

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I’d love to see your sample workouts. The less time I can spend working out and get better results is awesome!

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good stuff! keep m commin’ !! thanks! :)

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I definitely have to let people know this! I have known it for a while, but the studies back up everything I tell my clients!

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I am definitely going to change my walk routine!!

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I am looking forward to seeing a sample workout…for years endurance training has allowed me to eat and drink pretty freely without weight gain, but now, as I approach 50, that no longer holds true…I need to lose some lbs and need to change my workout.

Thanks for your input!

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I would love to hear some samples!! would be great to add them

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I have done some interval training and it has helped me go from 245 pounds 4 months ago to a current weight of 178. But I am always open to new and improved workouts, and new ideas. Keep up the good work and bring it on!

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I love HIIT. I can’t say that i am the best at it but its something i try to do!

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Thanks for all of your ideas. I have really enjoyed trying some of your ideas. It is strangely addicting.:) I look forward to your next post!

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thanks for great help

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what is MRT? and can you please give some examples is it weight circuit training? or is something like p90x style?

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Been incorporating HIIT because of your article before this. Hope to get more from you.

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I agree whole heartlly i do a lot of supersets and trie sets, and also high intensity cardio 30 min or less.
AS a matter of fact i got cut with a excellent diet and this workout for my bodybuilding comp, and i am 66 yrs old——— you rock joe!

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Thanks for all of your information on exercise and diet. I’m still struggling to lose the last few pounds of body fat to get down to my goal weight. I eat healthy and do hiit and weight training alternating on 5-6 days a week. I’m just stuck at a plateau and am not sure what else I can try. Thanks for all the information. I’m going to be implementing all of your tips. Thanks!!!

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lets see it

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