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What Can Rocky IV Teach You?

Posted by Joel Marion

Today was Movie Day—a day in which I do nothing but watch movies, and I try to have one at least once a month.

You see, I love movies :-)

And today, perhaps to rekindle my inner child, I spent 91 minutes watching a movie that I literally watched every day for an entire summer when I was 12 years old: Rocky IV.

Now, you may not agree with me that Rocky IV is one of the best movies of all time, but if you’re a Rocky fan at all, you’ve GOT to agree that it’s the absolute best out of all the Rockies (and there will be time to debate that later if you don’t :-)

I mean, what a great story, right? Rocky, avenging his best friend Apollo’s death by defeating the highly-favored, monstrous Russian on his own turf in Russia−even for someone who’s seen it 79 times like me, it’s pretty intense stuff.

But apart from that, even if you somehow didn’t care for the movie (and I can’t imagine how), Rocky IV can still teach you something extremely valuable and applicable to you and your own goals.

And that is, the raw power of motivation.

Let’s be honest, if Rocky had gone in to fight the Drago prior to Apollo or at any other time, under any other circumstances, he would have got his butt handed to him. The dude was a monster, and had Rocky outmatched in every possible way.

But because Rocky had something extremely powerful to motivate him (the fact that this guy killed his best friend), he was able to seemingly defeat some crazy odds and emerge victorious.

Let me ask you a question: What’s YOUR motivation? What is it that gets you up in the morning and over to the gym before work when everyone else is sleeping in?

What is it that allows you to regularly pass up the quick and easy (and frankly, delicious) foods that so many others regularly indulge in?

Do you have a REAL source of motivation? If you don’t, it’s highly likely you’re going to get “knocked out” by all the temptation and “easy ways out” that surround us on a daily basis.

Let’s face it, it’s a heck of a lot easier to eat whatever, whenever, and skip the whole workout thing then it is to live a fit, healthy lifestyle.

You absolutely have to have a very powerful source of motivation, because without one, your toast.

So do you have a source of motivation that keeps you going strong toward your goals each and every day? What is it?

Reaffirm it by posting it in the comments section below to start today off with renewed focus (and if you don’t value your “reason” enough to post it below, it’s probably safe to say that you don’t really have one).

Talk to you in the comments section!



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351 comments - add yours
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For about 35 years prior to 2003 I never went inside a movie theater and watched very little otherwise on TV. i saw snippets of the Rocky films so I can’t comment. OK, slap my wrist!!!!

I go to the gym six days a week. My motivaton comes from getting others motivated. I’ll be 72 in March. I like an early start at the gym, some days waiting for opening at 6:oo as spinning class start at 6:30. When I get comments that, at my stage in life (I hate that word that starts with an ‘R’) I have all day, why come so early my answer, with a bit of a chuckle, is ‘This is my job’. When I get a look I don’t like, the one that says jobs are to be hated that’s when I get to practise my motivating others. One needs, make it must, learn to love the way s/he makes a living or work towards a change. That needs motivation. Getting fit and adopt a healthy lifestyle needs the same commitment. The discipline that is needed, the energy gained can be a great motivator for all other areas of our life. My career was in education so I suppose I got addicted to motivate.

I had other comments to make but somehow this is what came out. I’ll stop here for today. Joel, you don’t need me. You obviously love what you do. You are definitely a great motivator judging by the response you get from subscribers. That’s terrific!!!!


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LOVE the quote … printing it up now to put on my frig !

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After stepping into the ring with cancer and coming out the champ. Every day you spend with your family and loved ones is precious and I am going to do what it takes to make sure I am around for as long as possiable and in tip top condition.

We you face your own mortality motivation is somehow embedded in everything you do from then on and it feels awsome !

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The way my clothes fit, the mirror, tape measurements, and the strength gains from each workout. The Rocky films are a definate push, the internet has plenty of inspiration as well. I have never had an issue with motivation, so I am one of those people that stay motivated in various ways, but I look at guys in better shape or bigger than I am to keep me going.

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Hi Joel,
The thing that keeps me going to reach my goals is pain. I want to be rid of it!
Both of my knees are beyond help no cartilege left, bone on bone, every step I take is pure agony. I have to lose about 35 pounds before they will schedule the knee replacement surguries. I cannot do most types of exercise because of my knees so I do water aerobics 2 times a week. I drive about 25 miles one way to the pool to do them. I am 64 and have arthritus but I am trying to find some type of exercise that can be done while sitting that might help also. I have already lost 7 lbs on your CYWT program.

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I started weight training about 12 years ago when I went for my medical and the doctor suggested I look at the guys I work with who are around retirement age( I am a truck driver by the way) and ask myself do I want to be as unhealthy and unfit as they are and not be able to enjoy my retirement. So at 28 years of age I started planning my retirement, I joined a gym, stopped smoking, pretty much stopped drinking and took up bodybuilding. My motivation is looking at those people out there who do no exercise (you know the ones!) and ask myself, is that who I want to be?

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Love all the Rocky movies !
I have a running tab of things, but in reality my biggest motivation is simple …

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I was born this way, so mine motivation is to, for the very first time in my life, feel free… to be proud of myself, not afraid of my body

P.S. I saw my top 2 abs for the fist time ever yesterday…I cried :)

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Too funny that I just posted about this on my blog last night. I’m done wasting time and being part of the would of, could of, should of club. At the age of 50 I am running out of time to get that hot bod. It’s, do it and do it now. I want to run a 5K and look hot on the beach and not just because it’s 90 deg. out. In 20 years when I get close to God’s waiting room I want to look into the door and say “Oh I see you have a full room, I will be back in 10-20 more years”. I have to much living to do. I see other people my age and for the first time in my life I say I don’t want to be like them. Like rockie I will take the stairs. Someone told me about the sears tower stair race and all I could think of is count me in, I want to play. Put me in coach! or is that another movie.

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My motivation is seeing the weight drop off and looking forward to buying new, tight fitting clothes instead of baggy t-shirts. I’ll get there!

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P.P.S. I want to be like those REALLY old people (I’m talking in their 80’s and older) you see who go swimming at the beach every day and hiking and stuff, not like the ones who use a motorised scooter to go groccerie shopping from the age of 50.

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I still feel that Rocky I is still the best. It felt so real and believeable. But I also enjoyed all of the Rocky movies.

However, if you truly knew how the Soviet sport machine really worked, you would have realized that the Soviets were not into using fancy training machines or contraptions. They were good at finding talent and figuring out what were the best training protocals and incorporating these protocols into the over all system.

If anything the Soviets were great at collecting data and as strange as it sounds-keeping things simple as far as training equipment goes. If they adopted a new training protocol, they made sure that you didn’t need expensive training equipment in order that more athletes could benefit from this innovation. The Soviets were also great at devising means of conducting large scale studies and the means of collecting that data in a very efficient manner in order to formulate good solid conclusions on what works and what doesn’t through the application of statistics.

What we saw in ROCKY IV was highly misleading although the movie was highly entertaining.

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My motivation is to be healthy and fit enough to try all the crazy things I want to. Current goal, Parkour!

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I have a work out partner and I think its good to have someone to motivate you and vise versa but you also need your own personal motivation which would have to be the fact I just love to be healthy and fit and when im not even for a day I dont feel like myself. Its just who I am! Everyone around me knows it and Im usually the motivator. I drove trucks in the mines and while everyone in jobs like that is overweight I was doing sit ups in the line up for the digger and had other people doing them as well as a way to combat the fatigue. Knowledge is power and I love learning and sharing with other people how to be best look after yourself in EVERY circumstance.

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Rocky’s… not Rockies
The first was the best, by far

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Did you name your kid after Ezra from seven pounds? I love that name

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I lived on bad food with bad habits for too long. By the time I had battled off 90 lbs of the 160 i need to loose, it was too late & I had a stroke. I refuzed to stay in the whellchair, refused to keep using the walker & the cane, & have only a slight foot drag. My very caring personal trainer has been resposible for amazing recovery_ God bless him for never giving up. I will never give up either. Everyone-don”t let it be too late for you or a loved one.

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It’s pretty hard for me right now as I’ m having a problem with my back, have been told by 4 Dr’s I have sciatica, bursa, tendon, and inflamed nerve in my back. MRI showed nothing so am getting another MRI on my lower back. In the meantime I am trying to eat healthy and doing a couple of upper arm exercises.hoping all will be well soon. Most of all I try and stay positive.

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Motivation? Hands down my 6 incredible children; when i was young and fit we could do anything together; and it was awesome – as i’ve gotten older (and fatter) i’ve lost the energy and health i had before. But since finding your programs my life has started to turn around…and im hoping my abs will even make an appearance in the next 6 months or so ;)
Cheers Joel!

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My motivation to keep slim and in good health is to look young no matter how old I get. As you get older you tend to put on weight and you look older then you really are. I am not going to let it happen to me.
When I look in the mirror and I see the result of keeping my weight down and the beneficts of working out. it keeps me motived to keep going.

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My motivation is to get in better shape and get healthier. My weight has started making it hard to walk without my legs and feet bothering me. I want to be able to walk without the pain and be around to see my son into adulthood.

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My goal is to look and be the healthiest i have in my whole life. I have three children and I want to make them proud and be a confident healthy influence on their lives. I have always been slim however over the last year have let my eating habits slide dramatically to the point i have put on around 12kg which for me is so very deflating (i choose not to look in the mirror) and allows depression to enter my life and this effects everyone in the house. So i have nearly finished my priming stage of CYWT and have already dropped a few kilos:-) Like they say if Mums happy Everyone’s HAPPY!!!

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the rocky saga is the best movies of all time, i love the workout scenes, they get me pumped up to workout

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My motivation comes from dating a personal trainer and I want to look like I date a personal trainer. I don’t want people to have to ask “why’s he with her”. And I don’t want to be the new chick in the back of the boot camp class throwing up cuz I couldn’t finish.

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I have three, my daughter (3), son (5 1’2 months) and husband. Not only do I want to feel healthy (and I have to admit, sexy for the hubs), but I want to have the energy to play with my children now and God willing years to come. I love being a stay-home mom, but having a baby that keeps me up more than half the night keeps it hard to have the motivation to get up before 10 in the morning for my toddler that so desperately wants my attention at 8. It is because of them that I choose to eat and live healthier so that they can see it first hand that I won’t make them boxed meals anymore but meals with fresh foods. I love them so much and I can’t imagine a lie without them.

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