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What Can Rocky IV Teach You?

Posted by Joel Marion

Today was Movie Day—a day in which I do nothing but watch movies, and I try to have one at least once a month.

You see, I love movies :-)

And today, perhaps to rekindle my inner child, I spent 91 minutes watching a movie that I literally watched every day for an entire summer when I was 12 years old: Rocky IV.

Now, you may not agree with me that Rocky IV is one of the best movies of all time, but if you’re a Rocky fan at all, you’ve GOT to agree that it’s the absolute best out of all the Rockies (and there will be time to debate that later if you don’t :-)

I mean, what a great story, right? Rocky, avenging his best friend Apollo’s death by defeating the highly-favored, monstrous Russian on his own turf in Russia−even for someone who’s seen it 79 times like me, it’s pretty intense stuff.

But apart from that, even if you somehow didn’t care for the movie (and I can’t imagine how), Rocky IV can still teach you something extremely valuable and applicable to you and your own goals.

And that is, the raw power of motivation.

Let’s be honest, if Rocky had gone in to fight the Drago prior to Apollo or at any other time, under any other circumstances, he would have got his butt handed to him. The dude was a monster, and had Rocky outmatched in every possible way.

But because Rocky had something extremely powerful to motivate him (the fact that this guy killed his best friend), he was able to seemingly defeat some crazy odds and emerge victorious.

Let me ask you a question: What’s YOUR motivation? What is it that gets you up in the morning and over to the gym before work when everyone else is sleeping in?

What is it that allows you to regularly pass up the quick and easy (and frankly, delicious) foods that so many others regularly indulge in?

Do you have a REAL source of motivation? If you don’t, it’s highly likely you’re going to get “knocked out” by all the temptation and “easy ways out” that surround us on a daily basis.

Let’s face it, it’s a heck of a lot easier to eat whatever, whenever, and skip the whole workout thing then it is to live a fit, healthy lifestyle.

You absolutely have to have a very powerful source of motivation, because without one, your toast.

So do you have a source of motivation that keeps you going strong toward your goals each and every day? What is it?

Reaffirm it by posting it in the comments section below to start today off with renewed focus (and if you don’t value your “reason” enough to post it below, it’s probably safe to say that you don’t really have one).

Talk to you in the comments section!



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351 comments - add yours
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This is my first post here. Although I am not a Rocky fan I have watched the
first four and find them very inspirational. I am in my late thirties and father
of two kids (7 and 2). My motivation is to be a role model to my kids and have
enough energy to give them a quality upbringing. And last but not the least, a regular workout schedule fills my mind with positive thoughts.. the want to be
good and achieve higher goals. I think this is the best remedy for today’s TV watching, computer games addict generation.

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My body is my motivation. Currently, i get paid to work out and teach a weight training class to my members, so its easy for me to stay in shape… no excuses! But i have also been on the other end of it too. I was 40lbs overweight because i always made excuses and was tired from my overwhelming job. I had to change my ways because i was depressed in a vicious eating cycle and knew how it felt to be “healthy” before those 40lbs!! My body was more limber, i had more confidence, more control and more ENERGY!! So now if i need motivation, i remember those days and those extra 40lbs and tell myself…NEVER AGAIN!!

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To Ellen 803:
Way to go!! I too have a beautiful black dress I’m determined to get into that I’ve been staring at for so long…Also my daughter is getting married in April, 2010. That means pictures-pictures. I now have a huge motivation to getting back in shape. But there is nothing like having an article of clothing just a little bit too small…LOL!

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ConfidenCe; I feel better when I am slim, strong and stand tall. Comfort; no pain when I am strong. Health: eatin well and being slim help ensure good living and longevity.

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I loved Rocky I, sorry none of the others matched up to it! But Rocky IV would be next, that I agree!

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Originally Posted By NaomiConfidenCe; I feel better when I am slim, strong and stand tall. Comfort; no pain when I am strong. Health: eatin well and being slim help ensure good living and longevity.

My motivation is my grandbabies1 One is three now and the other one is 6 months. I am morbidly obese but it is so hard to exercise with the M.S.! I can’t get overtired, overheated, overanything. It would be awesome to have an inside pool around but there is not one for 60 miles! I was told by the doctor not to do any walking exercised till I lose the first 30-50 lbs. So I get on the bike at the gym for a half hour a day. I want to do the elliptical machine but it is a demon machine!

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my motivation would be the ability to stand up for other people. The more power I have to influence positive change over myself, the more I will be able to help other people do the same. Also, all of the sports that I want to get started in all require an insane amount of conditioning so that definitely plays a part.

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Motivation..excellent subject..I’m a recently retired 57 y/o guy, my fitness drive has waned and have to re-generate it somehow. Seven years ago, to cope with the prospect of turning 50, I generated the will to become fit (through Atkins low carb diet and regular km swimming) and lost over twenty lbs, from 180ish to 157ish. Over the following yrs, the motivation changed into “training for retirement” to be as fit and spry as I aged, keeping me productive and well. Since I retired, late last winter, I’ve relapsed in this motivation, notwithstanding the fact that I’ve got hours more time to myself to work-out than before! Go figure…but the will is going to return..I’m sure!

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Rocky movies rule period! But my motivation is the long term effects of staying fit and living a healthly life style for years down the road. That’s why I do wake up at 5am and get going to the gym just before my daystarts… Once I’m done my workout I feel great! Energized and satisfied while I start my day. :-)

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Because the road ahead of me is a lot shorter than the road behind me, and I want to make every single day count.

I feel that my ‘wild side’ has not lived enough yet, and needs to be let out to play! But I can only do this if I am in the best health and physical shape I can possibly be, and not while I am a passive couch potato, stuck in regretting missed opportunities. So instead of being angry at life, I am taking responsibility and turning that ‘anger’ energy into a powerful motivation to JUST DO IT! And it’s working!

Thanks for your motivation.

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Simple… The shirt has to come off eventually

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Originally Posted By AngelaMy motivation is to finally be my best self. I have spent too long hiding in the shadows and not shining out, because I was afraid to be noticed, afraid to be beautiful. Maybe this doesn’t make sense to everyone, but maybe some who read this will be able to identify. For me, this is a holy war, to defeat the inner demon that has kept me down.

Angela I TOTALLY get you. Go for it girl! It is a ‘holy war’ indeed.

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What makes me get up and go? What makes me want to REMOVE the fat from my body and improve my health? Well, it’s my grandchildren. So far I have two and they are the lights of my life and i want to be here to see them get married and have children some day. THAT is what made me quit smoking and THAT is what makes me move!

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Well, as vain as it is, I must be honest and say that, currently, my main motivation is the mirror. I like to look good, plain and simple. Of course there are many fringe benefits that come along with it, such as being healthy and fit, eventually conceiving healthy children, and being able to lift my own heavy objects without the help of a man. :)

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My motivation is to be in good health, have a good shape and a lean body!!! I do my exercices at home for the moment because I can’t afford to go to the gym. I make the exercices of Rob Poulos and I do a little cardio (I don’t have any machine so I dance!!!) I have the goal to go to the gym really soon to realise my goal to be in good health!
Thank you for all the information that you send us!

Lucie (from Quebec)
my english is not perfect but I wrote my comment!!!

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hey Joel,
At 40 years old I have an 18 month old son. It’s such a great feeling to see him grow and be an integral part of his life! He makes me feel like a kid again and I want to be around for a very long tome to enjoy many, many life experiences with him! Who says immortality ins’t possible? Every time I look my little man in the eyes I know that it is!!!:-) What more motivation do I need?

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My four nieces are my motivation. I realized that if I kept the excess fat on my body that I would not be able to run and play with them as they grow up, nor would I be there when they became adults. I see three of the four several times a week, which continually reaffirms that they are indeed my motivation.

Being healthy is also a motivator for me…but that should be a given in everyone’s life…imho.

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My motivation is wanting to be better at 65 than I was at 40! I have never been athletic or paid much attention to fitness, and I now feel that I CAN get fit in a way that works for my body and my age (63). I want to contribute in a lively way to the lives of my son and his family, and to age strongly.

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My motivation is to be a better person! I’m tired of having pain everywhere all the time, tired to be depressed, lack of energy, bad mood, etc. I will be a better me and I do it for myself mostly, but for my husband and my two little girls too! It’s already changing! Since the two last weeks, I’m very happy and full of motivation!

Thanks to Joel and Vince!! You’re the bests!

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Hi Joel

I believe motivation for anything in life is primarily based on your belief system. So if my belief system values healthy living highly then I will be motivated to be healthy.


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To give you an idea how big a fan I am, I saw Rocky and Rocky II first run at the theater. Rocky is the embodyment of the American Dream which is why this movie has almost a universal appeal, even if most of them have the same plot- “Good little man conquers bad big man”.

II has always been my favorite but I’d place IV right after it. Now as an older guy, I gotta put Balboa up there too.

I can totlally relate to polishing off inner demons and unfinished business.

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I know Rocky was before my time, but I LOVE IT!! Rocky IV, I have to agree is awesome. Probably one of my favorite things about it, besides the fact that he is fighting for Apollo, is that when he gets to Russia, he has to have raw motivation just to train. He is out in the snow, chopping wood and working out in a barn while the Russian is in a climate controlled gym with fancy equipment. That in itself shows what motivation can do.

My motivation is the same as many of yours. the reflection in the mirror. I get out of the shower and see myself and think, oh man the definition is going away. So that motivates me to hit everything with just a little more dedication. Other days, i step out and i think to myself that I am looking good. That is motivation to keep going strong and not quit because I dont like the other days of getting out of the shower. My girlfriend is also a motivator, lol. Her comments definitely make a difference. I love it when she tells me I look good, etc. etc. But most importantly my motivation comes from the fact that in about 8 months I will be headed of to basic training for the national guard to help serve my country. Something I have always wanted to do. So being in top shape is of great importance to me…I am going to need it.

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Well I thought long and hard about what is motivating me and by reading the comments im glad to know Im not the only one who does not have a real driving motivation to be the best I can be. That being said, I feel like a few posters that have said they want to set an example for their family members. I really want all my brothers and sisters to be around for a long time and I know with the history of diabetes, hear attacks, and cancer in our family, being over weight is the last thing we need. So I feel like if they see that it can be done they will strive to be the best they can be and buck the family trend or Genetics of being over weight! Thanks for reminding me whats really important in life…Family, Friends , and Health! Good luck to all!!

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The thing that motivates me is my workout buddy. when we workout in the gym, its always competition.

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My motivation comes from 2 sources.

1. My Dad used to say: “Be comfortable being uncomfortable” I refuse to remain in a comfortable state for a period of time.

2. My clients motivate me. I watch their performance and flexibilty improve and I know I’m helping them in a positive manner in their lives.

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