Oh, and I also have to put in that IV is my fav out of all of them. Although I haven’t seen V or the newest one so I really shouldn’t say out of all of them but of all the once I have seen so far. I have been reading a litle more of the comments that others have left and some have been saying that looking in the mirror is more of a motivation to them. For me personally (and I am not sure why) looking in the mirror actually makes me feel more depressed, even though I am losing weight. I guess it may be because I am not seeing the results as fast as I would like or I have never been thin or fit enough to my standards of what I would like to be that I have never been satisfied. I am getting thinner and it shows but if feels like it is not enough. I honestly don’t like to look at my body in the mirror even though it looks better than it did 3 months or even 3 weeks ago.
Today was Movie Day—a day in which I do nothing but watch movies, and I try to have one at least once a month.
You see, I love movies :-)
And today, perhaps to rekindle my inner child, I spent 91 minutes watching a movie that I literally watched every day for an entire summer when I was 12 years old: Rocky IV.
Now, you may not agree with me that Rocky IV is one of the best movies of all time, but if you’re a Rocky fan at all, you’ve GOT to agree that it’s the absolute best out of all the Rockies (and there will be time to debate that later if you don’t :-)
I mean, what a great story, right? Rocky, avenging his best friend Apollo’s death by defeating the highly-favored, monstrous Russian on his own turf in Russia−even for someone who’s seen it 79 times like me, it’s pretty intense stuff.
But apart from that, even if you somehow didn’t care for the movie (and I can’t imagine how), Rocky IV can still teach you something extremely valuable and applicable to you and your own goals.
And that is, the raw power of motivation.
Let’s be honest, if Rocky had gone in to fight the Drago prior to Apollo or at any other time, under any other circumstances, he would have got his butt handed to him. The dude was a monster, and had Rocky outmatched in every possible way.
But because Rocky had something extremely powerful to motivate him (the fact that this guy killed his best friend), he was able to seemingly defeat some crazy odds and emerge victorious.
Let me ask you a question: What’s YOUR motivation? What is it that gets you up in the morning and over to the gym before work when everyone else is sleeping in?
What is it that allows you to regularly pass up the quick and easy (and frankly, delicious) foods that so many others regularly indulge in?
Do you have a REAL source of motivation? If you don’t, it’s highly likely you’re going to get “knocked out” by all the temptation and “easy ways out” that surround us on a daily basis.
Let’s face it, it’s a heck of a lot easier to eat whatever, whenever, and skip the whole workout thing then it is to live a fit, healthy lifestyle.
You absolutely have to have a very powerful source of motivation, because without one, your toast.
So do you have a source of motivation that keeps you going strong toward your goals each and every day? What is it?
Reaffirm it by posting it in the comments section below to start today off with renewed focus (and if you don’t value your “reason” enough to post it below, it’s probably safe to say that you don’t really have one).
Talk to you in the comments section!
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My motivation is to continue to fool people about how old I really am!! Keeping wieght off and a toned body takes 10 years off at least. It gives me confidence and lets me really appreciate my life. The fitter I am the more fun I am to be around.
First and foremost I think that Rocky III is the best followed by II then IV. Although, Rocky IV has some scenes that are absolutely sensational! The top two have to be Duke telling Rocky “Apollo was like a son to me, I raised him and when he died a part of me died. But now you’re the one, you’re the one who’s going to keep his spirit alive and prove he didn’t die for nothing. Now, you’re gonna have to go through hell worse than any nightmare you’ve ever dreamed, but in the end I know you’ll be the one standing.” And then before the final round “All your strength! All your power! All your love! Everything you’ve got! This is your whole life!”
As for what motivates me, I’ve been on a 100 lb yo-yo diet for the better part of a decade and I doubt I need a battery of medical tests to know that it’s been torture on my body. Once I saw myself in the mirror last Christmas I looked and felt terrible. I knew that I had no choice and needed to draw the line in the sand. I made quick work of the first 50 lbs but really struggled to get under the 300 lb mark last spring. I hit one of the dreaded “plateaus” and nothing seemed to work no matter how hard I did. Despite my frustrations, I made the decision to stick with it. But not for reasons of pleasing friends or family members, or self image or to attract members of the opposite sex (and not that those aren’t valid worthwhile reasons), but because I knew it was the right thing deep down inside. I may not have ideal genetics for building an ideal physique and body weight, but I can compensate for it with a will that’s Rocky-esque.
When some plays around with your mind and attemts to lower your own self worth ( as was the case with me 4 years ago when an employer did this to me) you need to take action and I did. I am married with 2 children but I quit my job 6 weeks out from Christmas I lost 12 kgs from Dec through to Feb the and a further 4 kg in the March of that year while on holidays in Ireland through exercise and diet. 4 years on I have the making of a very successful personal training business and I want to help other people to take control of their life. That is what get me out of bed 5 days a week at 4.45am.
I now control my life and I will not allow anyone to determine my future. That is my choice.
That was an awesome movie. Let’s however, not forget the fact that Adrian was also in the background telling him he could not succeed. However, his goal was revenge when he started, changed somewhere in there and ultimately became a powerhouse again on his own. It’s funny how people come around after the fact huh?
Sorry Joel, the only Rocky movie worth watching was the first one – Rocky. It was a truly inspired film (inspired in fact by the Ali/Wepner fight). It had heart and was truly motivational. The others were simply churned out to make money. I did not find any of them (save for the first) motivational because they were so blatantly manipulative. They tried too hard. If you want to light a fire under me or pull on my heart strings don’t do it with implausible trash – and that’s what all the other production line Rock’s turned out to be. Sorry.
nice post
even if i never watched rocky lol just rambo hhahaha
but my motivation is a super hot girl i’m in love with ;)
When my weight was up 23 lbs (I am now 130lbs) I felt physically uncomfortable with the extra fat on my stomach, legs, etc. I could feel it when I walked, sat, bent over. I didn’t like the way my clothes fit or how I looked in them. I was uncomfortable every minute that I was aware of my physical self – which is most of the time unless I am super busy. I felt disgusting. I see the worth of who I am as a person but I CAN NOT like the way I look and feel when I am (what I consider) fat.
When my wieght is out of control my eating is out of control and I end up feeling bloated, constipated, sluggish, guilty, regretful, insecure, depressed, fat, ugly…I could keep going but I think you get the picture.
I need the structure that Truth About Abs and CYWT gives me. It helps me control my behavior and therefore my emotions. I give myself two cheat meals a week – always two days in a row – usually dinner Fri and Sat and this has been working. I found that a whole cheat day was not enough structure for me and my eating got out of hand.
When I want to give up or give in to temptation (and I still sometimes do) I think about the alternative. I CAN NOT AND WILL NOTgo back.
Very interesting. I remember being so motivated by the original Rocky that I started my fitness training by running like the “Italian Stallion” all the way home … about two miles as I remember it. I was already pretty fit from doing forestry work (pulp and firewood cutting and tree planting) at high altitudes … but it seemed to me there was plenty of room for improvement, so I added weight traing and aerobic running to my repertoire. Soon enough, with the good feeling generated by enhanced fitness, the importance of “self-improvement” took on a life of its own as a motivator. Somewhere along the way that motivation got lost in work, social, and family “obligations” … and the discipline that kept me fit went with it. So your mention of “Rocky” takes me back to that earlier inspiration and reminds me of the benefits that kind of motivation can yield. Thanks for the reminder.
Hello Joel,
My original motivation for bodybuilding, came from pictures of the amazing John Grimek (heard of him?). That was a long time ago. My physique wasn’t too bad. I was a finalist in the Mr. London (UK) contest in which the winner became Mr. Universe the same year, and the runner-up the year after. Although there were gaps, I kept up my training because it had become a way of life which seemed to be right and natural. Then, 14 years ago I suddenly developed chest pains but went against medical advice and refused bypass-surgery. Instead, I altered my diet and modified my training to include an hour’s ‘cardio’ thrice a week besides exercising with weights, till I overcame the problem. But I dropped 10 kg in the process. Today, at 79, my motivation is to stay alive and healthy, hang on to what muscle I have left, and be able to zoom around on my motorbike without breaking my neck. I guess it takes all sorts to make a world.
I love the way I feel after a good workout.
My motivation is multi-fold:
1. Healthy for a lifetime – NO AGE-RELATED DEGENERATIVE DISEASES!!
2. Healthy so I’m eager to enjoy retirement when it comes – soon I hope.
3. Healthy for interactions with generations to come.
4. Healthy so I can continue to PAY BACK the universe for all the good things that have come into my life!
I have lost some close members of my family to colon cancer, and some others have diabetes. I know I have to watch what I eat, drink plenty of water and do lots of cardio and strength training, and set a good example for my siblings.
On another note, we’re coming into the best season of the year! I always get really hot when I run, so the cold air feels great afterwards. A couple of my friends laugh at me for running in short sleeves and shorts with snow coming down!
Having recently moved into a retirement complex I am motivated by all the active folks who are up to 100+. If I’m going to keep up with them I need to leave behind the 40+ lbs I have been losing and gaining for the past 40 years. My goal is to improve my health to the point where I can discontinue the medications I take daily for elevated cholesterol and blood sugar.
Reading through the earlier posts I am inspired by the strength and determination of this whole group. Thank you Joel for bringing us together.
I am 43 years old , mother of four boys , grandmother to one grandson, and my motivation for getting myself back in shape is that I want to continue to be able to surf and ride with my granchildren as I did with my sons. I dont know many of the rocky films but I will always remember the scene where he drinks raw eggs! Ooooo!
My motivation is that I have fought weight issues my entire life and, at 54, I am about tired of it. I have already had two heart attacks at 40 and 47. I have no desire to have another one of those episodes and I want to be present and healthy for my wife, my children and eventually their children. I also feel that I can still be responsible for a lot of good in the world with the rest of my life, but I can’t do it if I am overweight, out of shape or worse. It is hard to ignore some of the foods that I love, but it just has to be done.
I have always been strong, but overweight. When I got to the point of being obese (274 lbs. at 5’6″) I knew I had to take matters in hand. My father diied at 58 because of his weight. So, cutting back on calories and working very hard (more on that in a minute), I managed to lose down to 148 lbs., but lost my strength, too! Then I gained 30 lbs. back–all fat! I need to get rid of the fat and build up muscle in the worst way! I live in an extremely rural area on a homestead, and I have to be able to stack wood, chop and weed the garden and push-mow (35-hr. job) my yard–this was the work that helped me lose all that weight, but I became so that the least puff of wind would knock me down. I’m going to be hitting the half-century mark next month, and I have a nine-year-old child. When she’ll be in her twenties, I’ll be in my sixties, and I don’t want her to be embarrassed at having an older mom, when all of her friends’ moms will be in their forties. Besides, I’ve never had the opportunity to truly look terrific–and I know that’s in there, waiting to be brought out! The thing I like about Rocky IV is that he’s getting in shape with the same lifestyle I have here. So that encourages me and keeps me going. I do not have access to a gym (‘way too far away from my neck of the National Forest), so I am steadily getting set up here at home with the basic equipment. I’ve been using body weight exercises (alternating with yoga) and can already see beginnings of improvement (I’ve been on this program for three weeks). I got myself a weight bench week before last, now I’m tracking down weights! I am so juiced–I’m going to hit the half-century with a bang!
Great post. Rocky IV was one of my favorite movies growing up too. I haven’t watched that movie in years!
I guess one of my main motivations to working out, is it does something for me mentally. Beyond building a muscular body, I find it to be therapeutic, and something that has helped me stay focused and consistent.
The kind of self discipline that you obtain through years of consistent training and healthy eating, can become a very useful trait in many daily situations.
Over all, I would say that working out has kept me focus, and has been an activity that I have had complete control over.
My motivation is that I had to watch my mom’s health deteriorate…it started to deteriorate when she was still in her late forties. She never exercised her whole life, and although she was never really overweight because of her healthy eating, and portion control, she was also never really healthy from 45 years old and on. I am now 48, and do NOT want to end up having all the health problems my mom had!! THAT is my motivation.
My motivation is to have a GREAT, (not good, or ok…) life, in spite of various severe obstacles to this in my past.
I then want to be a part of the information/inspiration for positive change community, on the net, at the gyms where I train and fight and in the community groups I am involved in.
I already am fit and love my life and friends. I want to max out my potential to enrich my life with exciting new experiences/goals/successes and then help others do the same.
My hero is Harriet Taubman a black American born into slavery, who;
Skilled herself in bush craft, escaped up north, networked with the Quakers to set up The Underground Railroad, helping/inspiring hundreds of other slaves to escape to freedom.
In the civil war she was a scout for the north!
This actually ruined her knees! She wore them out!
She worked for womens rights after the war, had lots of great friends and got a medal from Queen Victoria.
She did all these amazing things despite suffering from narcolepsy caused by a major head injury inflicted on her with a metal weight, when she was a slave….
I love the Rocky movies. They are awesome…. I totally agree with you, Rocky IV is the best with III as a close second I always feel so inspired to work out after that movie!
I’d seen Rocky IV many years ago, but thank you for bringing it up and prompting a viewing again.
There is an important distinction in the fighters’ motivations. Drago, as the audience turns on him, claims: “I win. For me”. We know that Rocky is motivated by Apollo Creeds’ death, his role in that death, his career, his family and his country. We get a glimpse into his state of mind in the montage sequence during his training.
Not all motivations are created equal. Choose carefully what will motivate you. Your health will take a more transcendent importance if viewed in terms of what is means to your family to have you a strong and healthy individual for many years.
As a Philadelphia native, you know I had to chime in on this one.
Hands down, the best Rocky had to be Rocky III; but I might be biased because I was a huge Hulk Hogan fan in the eighties!
Having done a music magazine for nearly 19 years with very little monetary compensation, it’s easy to see how you can get beaten down… I used to listen to the most brutal and extreme metal when working out, just the adrenaline rush combining over the top and dramatically emotional music to a super charged workout was intense…. As you get older, you need to find a way to feel “the hunger,” and the movie that slammed that idea home into my gut was Rocky III. NO OTHER MOVIE will make you understand the need to constantly stay hungry… Over time I think I got used to extreme heavy metal as a “way of life,” and lost that hunger.. It’s important to search out that which CONSTANTLY motivates you and feeds you this incredible rush and overwhelmingly emotional response, otherwise you feel “burned out” and lifeless… Keep the flame burning, keep the emotional content of your desires and wants supercharged… Just feeling the desire isn’t enough, you have to STARVE for it… IT MUST BURN… And never go out… Once that hunger is gone, it is HARD to get it to return, so search out CONSTANTLY that which will feed a dying hunger…
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