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Take A Deep Breath

Posted by Joel Marion on March 20, 2009

Yesterday I was having one of those days. You know, the type of day where everything seems to be out of whack and a hundred inconveniences seem to jump out of nowhere.

We all have them. They’re part of life.

The icing on the cake, though, came later in the day when I got a flat tire.

And of course it was rush hour.

And of course it was on a major highway.

So there I was on the side of the road, annoyed, attempting to change my tire in the midst of hundreds of cars whizzing by me at 70 mph.

And then I realized something.

I was letting the day’s circumstances−circumstances that were completely out of my control−get the best of me. It was affecting my energy, and that’s something that I really try to avoid.

So, I put down the tire iron, got back in the car, turned on the radio and started to breathe.

You see, a long time ago I learned the value of using controlled breathing from a martial arts instructor friend of mine. Now, you may be thinking “Yeah, okay…controlled breathing…Tai Qui…oogly moogly” and you know what, that’s exactly how I looked at it once, too.

But then I gave it a try. And it works.

The fact is, controlled breathing exercises are an extremely useful tool for managing stress and renewing focus. And in just a minute, I want to share with you one relaxation breathing exercise that has been clinically proven to reduce stress and sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity. In fact, almost immediately after you begin to breathe like this, the body begins to calm itself. Heart rate slows, anxiety decreases, and you can just “feel” the effects.

Here it is:

The 4-7-8 technique:

  • Exhale completely through your mouth.
  • Breathe in completely through your nose over a period of 4 seconds.
  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth for a period of 8 seconds.

Repeat the exercise three more times for a total of 4 breaths.

Try it now for proof. See how it makes you feel. I can guarantee if you do, you’ll use it again…especially when you need it most.

And in a couple minutes I was back out working on the tire, only with a completely different attitude.

Don’t let circumstances out of your control dictate your energy. And if you sense they might be, take some time to breathe.

Stay focused,


P.S.  There are two things I want you to do in the comments section today:

1.  Stop what you are doing, and give the 4-7-8 technique a try right now.  Can you “feel” it working?

2.  I want to know what types of techniques do you use to “relax” when life’s stress gets in the way?  What’s your best/favorite “de-stressor”?

Give me at least 20 replies and I’ll be back on Monday with brand new content!


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70 comments - add yours
Carlos (MEYMZ)

March 20, 2009

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Well I tried it and it’s completely orgasmic since the first “set”, specially for people like me who are borderline hyperactive (my parents even paid me some tests when I was a kid, and no I wasn’t hyperactive, but almost).

I would like to be on happy ending massages everyday, but it’s something I don’t have the priviledge to afford.

Seriously speaking, I take a short nap during the day; brings my energy levels up and makes me forget about that silly stuff that makes you angry once in a while.

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i tried your 4-7-8 techin.. and it does work i also had a bad anger managment problem in the past and i took classes for it and that is one of the things they teach you so i know what you mean.

what i think works for me the best to calm me down when im in a stressed out or mad position i take a secend and just say something funny, or make a joke about something to get the people around me to laugh. cuz when they start laughing then i start laughing and it completly changes my mood.. and most of the time once i crack a joke and laugh over it within i minute or two i forget why i was even mad or stresssed. and i approach it differently.
everyone has there own way of switching there mood from bad to good, and every situation is different. but if you catch yourself and calm yourself down or defuse your situation than you have self control over yourself and as long as you have that than anything you do can change your mood or any situation that your in.

Stephen Shrubsall

March 21, 2009

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Hey there Joel you got one of the many technique`s for breath control that’s great if you would like to know more on this subject just try some Taoist healing qigong I’m sure your readers will like it to as it uses visualisation ,breath,colour,and movement if you want some examples try looking at Micheal Wynn`s site or Mantak Chia on u tube i have been following this form of exercise for some time now and also teach it on occasion at yoga retreat`s .One of your readers told how he would do alternat nostrill breathing this is called nadi shodan breathing and is done in yoga well i hope this has been of some interest and keep up the work


March 21, 2009

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Getting outside, sitting under a tree and listening to the wind wiggle the leaves. Or the sound of water always soothes me, rushing water, trickling water, any kind. Lying on the floor with your feet propped up on a chair at a 90 degree angle helps by allowing the blood that’s been hanging out in your feet all day to recirculate.

Gopal Rao

March 21, 2009

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Joel, The first and last steps of yr 4-steps are both exhalations, i.e. Exhale completely through your mouth, and Exhale completely through your mouth for a period of 8 seconds. So unless u breathe in in between, how do u do it, unless u say step-1 is just for the beginning and subsequent reps begin with step-2?

However, a simplified variation has stood me in good stead whenever needed. Just breathe in slowly, hold as long, exhale slowly, hold as long, and continue, with the periods being set to an individual comfort level. Count slowly and try and think black, i.e. turn the mind blank. Also helps in unwinding fast before dropping off to sleep at night. I rarely need more than a 20 count.


March 21, 2009

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Best destressor? Hug a dog (or two). When a pooch is unavailable and I want to center myself, I take a deep breath, hold it a few seconds and release it completely. I then pause while my lungs are empty and say to myself “I am”. That’s it. Puts me in the present, the “now” every time.


March 21, 2009

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I learnt the breathing technique some years ago. It definitely works. My favourite de-stressor is walking around my garden, appreciating the plants and the peaceful atmosphere.


March 21, 2009

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when i am stressed i pray. that’s the best for me. next, there is martial arts: fight one imaginary enemy or to and you are OK.


March 21, 2009

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Wow! I’m shocked at how effective that was. in just seconds not only am i more relaxed, i have more energy! this is awesome, thanks Joel.

monika kowalczyk

March 21, 2009

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Wow,it does work.I did it few times and feel very calm.When i am stressed out,and am at work,i go for a quick walk,to change envirment.Works every time.On times other then work,i either go for for power walk,or jump on any cardio machine and stress just goes away.So thanks for the advice.Monika.


March 23, 2009

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I have been trying to learn about breathing techniques for a short while now. They are great for relaxation but they are actually good for exercising too, helping with the core.

Joel Marion

March 23, 2009

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Originally Posted By Gopal Rao
Joel, The first and last steps of yr 4-steps are both exhalations, i.e. Exhale completely through your mouth, and Exhale completely through your mouth for a period of 8 seconds. So unless u breathe in in between, how do u do it, unless u say step-1 is just for the beginning and subsequent reps begin with step-2?

Well, yeah…subsequent “reps” start w/ step 2.


Joel Marion

March 23, 2009

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Originally Posted By Hunter
Wow! I’m shocked at how effective that was. in just seconds not only am i more relaxed, i have more energy! this is awesome, thanks Joel.

You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it.



March 24, 2009

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Hi Joel
yeah it works, knew it but had forgotten all about it. And like Mindy says, breathing with prayer, works wonders


March 24, 2009

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Hi Joel, l do get heaps of days like that , most of them actually, and breathing like that does help temporairily, but l drink beer at the end of the day, and that’s all that l’ve found really relaxes me.
See Ya……………………Steve.


March 24, 2009

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well i fined it worked okay. the method that i use is to block the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale deeply via your left for about 10s. then take the last 2 fingers of the right hand and block the other nostril and hold your breath for bout 4s then release your thumb finger and exhale via your right nostril for bout 10s. repeat about 3 time

Yavor Marichkov

May 29, 2009

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I’ve heard about this technique from Yogi’s and martial artists. Hell, even Tony Robbins describes it in his tape Awaken The Giant Within.

I use controlled breathing for better performance during exercise and for relaxation.

In training – I exhale half way through the eccentric phase of the exercise and all throughout the concentric.

In relaxation – I focus on breathing super slowly



[…] Controlled breathing – I actually did a post on breathing exercises a little while back where I went over something called the 4-7-8 technique. Many of you probably […]


December 10, 2009

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1- I try it and I thank you, it’s reaaly effective!!

2-I love listening to very loud music, dance like a complete idiot, and sing out loud when I’m stressed. IT’s really effective. After I’m really calm!


March 24, 2011

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I don’t usually believe in any breathing exercises or I used to not believe them, but after trying these exercises, I feel much better. Certain yoga techniques have really worked for me and thats when I started believing and started trying them out

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