Big Breakfasts Win Again
Posted by Joel Marion
A few weeks ago I exposed the benefits of eating breakfast, particularly a BIG, protein-rich breakfast, and wouldn’t ya know, researchers from The University of Kansas Medical Center and another team from Virginia Commonwealth University decided to give us even more proof and reason to be following those exact recommendations for the most rapid weight loss.
Study #1 – University of Kansas Medical Center
This study analyzed the effect of a protein-rich breakfast on appetite and overall daily calorie consumption among teens who typically skip breakfast.
In the study, teens either consumed a protein-rich breakfast of solid foods, a protein-rich breakfast beverage (i.e. meal replacement shake), or a breakfast meal containing minimal protein. All meals were 500 calories each.
The result?
The protein-rich breakfast groups (both solid food and beverage) faired better than an equal calorie breakfast not containing substantial protein. Further, it’s interesting to note that the solid food protein-rich breakfast group scored significantly higher than the protein-rich beverage group with regards to consuming less calories at lunch and feeling considerably more full after the breakfast meal.
Should the study included a control group with a lower-calorie or skipped breakfast, results would have been even worse (proof below).
Take home lessons from this study:
1. Eating breakfast isn’t enough. The breakfast meal needs to contain ample protein to adequately affect satiation and overall caloric intake.
2. A meal replacement shake breakfast doesn’t seem to have the same satiation and calorie intake benefits that a solid food protein-rich meal does.
Study # 2 – Virginia Commonwealth University
Study participants either consumed a diet which included a large protein + carbohydrate breakfast (totaling HALF of daily total calories) or a typical low-calorie diet.
The result of this one?
The group that at half their daily calories at breakfast lost FIVE TIMES MORE WEIGHT than the typical calorie restrictive diet group.
If that’s not convincing evidence (beyond everything I’ve shared last time) that a big, protein-rich breakfast trumps some low-calorie “piece of toast” breakfast, then I don’t know what does.
The ultimate take home lesson:
The ideal breakfast should be BIG, containing plenty of lean protein and carbohydrates.
Want to learn 3 other specific fat-burning tips that you can start using today? Check out the below link:
Enjoy the above tips!