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The Best Diet Tip EVER

Posted by Joel Marion

Today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point.

That said, it may be the most valuable piece of dietary advice that I could EVER give you.

You see, last night around 9:30 PM while watching my DVR-ed episoded of American Idol my appetite started acting up and I began to have some pretty intense cravings.

A couple minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry looking for something to satisfy my hunger (yes, I’m human and I deal with cravings, too).

After scoping out what was available, I ultimately ended up eating some sliced grilled chicken and big portion of fresh green beans.

Do you know what stopped me from downing a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a bag of potato chips last night?

Simple.  These foods aren’t in my house.

Do you want to end your struggle with late night snacking (with the wrong foods) and increase your dietary adherence ten-fold?  Then here it is, the best diet tip I could ever give you:

Keep your house free of anti-diet food.

Simply put, if it’s not available, it’s not a temptation.

Do you find that having “off-limits” foods lying around is screwing up your diet?  Find this post helpful?

Respond in the comments section below!

Talk to you there!


P.S.  Want another really cool FREE diet tip?  Stop eating these three foods right now (revealed in the below video).

Stop eating these three foods right now <—— Click here


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277 comments - add yours
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@ tnctx02:
Why would you buy ‘bad’ food for your kids? Start them off right and they’ll never have to ‘diet’ later on in life. Kids get use to what you give them, also if it’s not there and they really are hungry they too will make the right choices.

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Great post, the most effective (and sometimes annoying!!) diet tip going. I have been using this myself and with my clients for a while now. It is so powerful and yet so simple. Thanks for the reminder Joel

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My mom was on Weight Wat hers for years, and this was one of their tried amd true secrets of success, which I now adhere to. The only “junk”‘ food in my house is a bar of Lindor 85% dark chocolate to satisfy the odd craving. If I want anything else, I have to drive at least 30 mins, and often it’s just not worth my time.

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Great point, however it can be difficult when the others in the household are not following a similar eating regimen.

My wife is pregnant and my fridge currently has the foods I have chosen to cook and also a host of food I want to avoid eating if I wish to reach my weight loss goal. A pregnant wife shouting because I ate some of her food is enough to curb my cravings.

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Your article hit a nerve, been having troubles getting my new housemate to stop bringing junk into the house-cakes, loliies, chips-arrgh, its doign my head in and my waistline out-got to try and reform him but he has got the metabolism of a 10 year old boy and just doesnt get it-tells me just resist it-ha!like to seem him try…

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GREAT POINT. I JUST WROTE a post for my list recently that told them that the “battle ground” is the aisles of the supermarket. That’s where the “fight before the fight” is. It all starts there. BUY THE RIGHT FOOD AND KEEP THE REST OUT OF YOUR HOME! An added plus is the “use it or lose it” aspect of eating fresh healthy foods. Buy fresh foods and if you don’t eat them, they go bad fairly quickly (compared to processed junk) and you wasted money…and nobody likes that.

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My fridge has mostly fruit, and fresh cottage cheese inside lol. When a friend comes over and opens it they have a huge question mark over their head and look at me funny, hahaha. I told my friends that I can only feed them good vitamins and protein so they should be thanking me :D

Don’t take munchies food from teenagers they will find it somewhere else, just limit it.

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Heh I can see how this can be a problem but don’t have a problem like that. I actually move the sweets to the side in my fridge to get to the eggs or something :) I don’t know. it’s just not the time for sweets until the cheat day and that’s it. The only problem is if somebody else eats them…then I’m pissed :p

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Great idea – I just need to persuade the other people in my house (who both are slim) of this fact!

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yes a very good point

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muesli used to be my big bug bear, sometimes I would eat 2-3 bowls late at night for my late night cravings. I only have porridge in the house now and that is for my son or when i am training really hard.

when i feel like that late at night a good way to beat it is to head to bed early and then wake up earlier instead of staying up late to fight the demons


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It does help not having your larder full of junk food but if I don’t have something in the house my kids actually end up baking :(

Oh, and I clean up the mess then eat some cake :)

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It does help not having your larder full of junk food but if I don’t have something in the house my kids actually end up baking :(

Oh, and I clean up the mess then eat some cake :)

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Hi Joel, This made me laugh because it is so true. Unfortunately, bread, rice, pasta and potato are also on my list of do not eat, and I cannot eliminate them from my house altogether. I am also on herbal tea and water, so regular tea is also off my diet (which is so hard). So Its meat and vegies, protein and vegies, eggs and veggies for me. Wish me luck everyone, because I need all the help I can get.

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Hey Joel,

Its interesting reading through the blog posts that everyone seems to accept the fact that their children eat crap. I have had big debates with my own clients the past month about parents falling for food marketing at supermarkets. Maybe parents should start thinking more about educating their kids on what is good vs what is bad?

you know the statement… “I would’nt feed that to my dog”?

well, change it to “I wouldn’t feed that to my kids” and start to use junk food as a treat not a lifestyle choice.

Maybe buy 85% dark chocolate, fruit salads with organic ice cream, super smoothies with protein, fats and good carbs in them?

Just a thought

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its an easy idea….no bad food no temptation. The problem comes if you are round someone elses house that is stocked to the brim with junk. I found the best way is to use a fruit chewing gum (sugar free) or just down a pint a water. The sweetness of the gum takes away any cravings or a pint of water makes you feel full. Healthy and hydrated.

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Good stuff, Joel. Some things are so obvious, you would think it goes without saying. Thanks for saying it!

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Can’t argue with common sense – too clever.

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Right on, Joel! If it’s not in the house, no one will follow their cravings all the way to the store. That’s why I always want to have a fridge full of fruits and vegetables and a pantry with nuts and dried fruit.

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easier said than done my friend…when u have a 7 yr old and a 3 yr old in ur house, broccoli and beans is not gonna cut it…compared to other families i’d say we r very healthy, i have NEVER bought soda and my kids havent a clue what pepsi or coke are….we dont buy a lot of junk but we do have crisps, biscuits and flavoured yogurts in the house…juices and smoothies too….the occasional chocolate treat….but yeah, we aint saints either….maybe when the kids have left the nest and gone to college…?

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This is so true…I try to get my students to do the same thing, but it’s tough for most of them because they have children and spouses…what suggestions do you have for those situations?

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Well, i prefer to exercise my willpower. I have a lot of tasteful things in my kitchen and i never, and i mean it, touch that on week days. I have one free day a week and this is the day that i allow myself to eat those in moderation. As Vince once said: “Ask yourself if that food is going to get you closer or farther from your goals”. I conquered that power over the last 15 years of dieting. This is my point of view, though. You should do whatever works for you.


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The food that your parents buy and keep in their kitchen may not be in your control. But what you put in your own mouth is TOTALLY in your control. You can take responsibility, research what foods to eat and follow through on your decisions. Don’t let anything stop you, not where or how you live, or how your parents eat. I wish you luck!

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Hey Joel,

Thanks again for this. I have to constantly remind my favourite wife that having these tings in my face makes it more difficult for me. I guess I’ll learn discipline at the same time…? When I’m on the road it’s easy not to have stuff around, but then I’m eating in restaurants. Lotsof challenges, but so far, it’s working.

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OMG! This is so true! I usually do a good job of keeping my house clear of temptations but right now I am on vacation with my family for two weeks and since we have a kitchen we went to the grocery and loaded up on food, good and bad. Now, whether at night or during the afternoon, I am finding myself eating brownies, Cheetos and CRAP! Every morning I wake up and say that today I will eat the way I should eat and then by 3:00 I’m eating salami and cheese! I am hitting the gym most days but I’ve already gained 2 pounds! I never thought I’d say this but I am actually looking forward to going home and getting back on track! Thanks for the great reminder!!

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