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The Best Diet Tip EVER

Posted by Joel Marion

Today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point.

That said, it may be the most valuable piece of dietary advice that I could EVER give you.

You see, last night around 9:30 PM while watching my DVR-ed episoded of American Idol my appetite started acting up and I began to have some pretty intense cravings.

A couple minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry looking for something to satisfy my hunger (yes, I’m human and I deal with cravings, too).

After scoping out what was available, I ultimately ended up eating some sliced grilled chicken and big portion of fresh green beans.

Do you know what stopped me from downing a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a bag of potato chips last night?

Simple.  These foods aren’t in my house.

Do you want to end your struggle with late night snacking (with the wrong foods) and increase your dietary adherence ten-fold?  Then here it is, the best diet tip I could ever give you:

Keep your house free of anti-diet food.

Simply put, if it’s not available, it’s not a temptation.

Do you find that having “off-limits” foods lying around is screwing up your diet?  Find this post helpful?

Respond in the comments section below!

Talk to you there!


P.S.  Want another really cool FREE diet tip?  Stop eating these three foods right now (revealed in the below video).

Stop eating these three foods right now <—— Click here


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277 comments - add yours
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absolutely right!

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Good tip, Joel, But old hat here. Have been doing this for years. In fact having been raised in the country on a farm we never snacked – ever- believe it or not. My mother, a wonderful cook would not let us spoil our appetites by eating between meals or after school. I just never developed the habit! Besides there was always too much work to be done and not enough time to do it, Cheers.

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haha…my weakness isn’t at home since i normally dun feel like eating in the night (after i’m back and puting my girl to bed).

i ‘snack’ more in office and that’s my real weakness because it’s so much more convenient to reach for a cookie, than to go to the fridge and get an apple. Also, the office is very very cold, so a hot drink and a cookie often makes me happier than a cold fruit. u can’t quite have a ‘hot fruit’.

Still working on it though. sigh.

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yes dear……u r right……if we don’t have wrong food in our house we cannot take it at night……..i have same problem ever…..i m basically a night Bat…….when ever i saw a program having some food contents my epitite kill me…..so i grab everything which i found in my kitchen and bring to eat…..wel ITS NICE TIP WE SHOULD’t HAVE WRONG FOOD IN OUR FRIDGE OR IN KITCHEN.


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Hey joel i can say that it is true . Without the temptation , this will prevent you from reaching your indulgence . Many thanks for the emails you have sent to me to provide tips . However i cant reply for certain discussions you ask me. Is there an email for me to reply to your discussions?

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So true!! It’s a little more difficult when you share your house with your sister who is not on a diet :( :(

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Thanks for the great info!! It’s a little more diffiult to clear your house of bad food when you share your house with your sister who is not on a diet though :( :(

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You have said nothing but the plain truth. You can’t be tempted to eat food not available in your house/fridge at that odd period.

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As far as I’m concerned if I can’t afford to buy fresh fruit&veg there is no way I’m going to waste my money on junk (much to my childrens horror).
My kids friends all get to muesli bars,chips and other stuff full of sugar and rubbish, but for them it’s fruit or nothing……………………Yep I know I’m a totally mean mum, but with both my kids being ADHD I don’t take any chances.

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@Joel Marion
I am always horrified at folks who justify keeping junk food in their house with a desire to indulge their children. It makes no sense. So you are going to sacrifice your health so that they can ruin theirs?!? Seems to me that teaching them to keep that junk out of the house by setting an example NOW would be the loving and kind thing to do.
Blessed, healthy, prosperous & FREE be,
B’Shem Yeshua,
with love & shalom from

Shalom Shick, BSChE, Health Minister, Student ND


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Hi Joel,
This is to add to ‘clock’s post…I read a book last year about dropping your salt intake. In the book, the author says to keep a huge bowl of LEAN chicken, diced with a touch of mayo, no salt…green onions & pepper to taste. Leave it chilled in your fridge at all times. Whenever you get the ‘hungries’..go grab a small bowl of ready-made chicken salad-day or night…it helps keep the cravings at bay & is lite and simple… A GREAT SNACK TIP..wards off binging….

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I don’t buy buscuits, icecream, lollies or white bread anymore. If it’s there I eat it. I stay out of the supermarket isles that stock these items as well.

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It’s a great strategy but I find that if I am hungry enough, I’ll just eat a week’s worth of grass fed cheese or peanuts or whatever and screw up my portions for that week’s meals! : ( Or cook lean steaks and some eggs . . . at 10pm . . .

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Bingo!! Right on the money Joel!! One that requires all members of the house to co-operate with!! My wife and I are working on that, but may just have to resort to throwing out all the junk we have so it’s not a temptation and ruining our eating plans! Hopefully we will get there eventually!

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I’m human too. I have these things in my home all the time because I don’t live alone. The real test, however, is discipline. This ‘sin-cupboard’ is out of bounds during the week and my favorite friend on weekends. So really, I imagine that these naughty foods are not in my home during the week. It does work.
Otherwise, during the week, if I have a craving, I down geen tea, tell myslef “this will pass soon – hang in there”, or when its very late “you’re just tired, go to bed”.
But good-luck whatever you do, just stay strong!!

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Great post. So acting on it I went to the fridge and assessed all the “bad” stuff. Once I had it all together there was only one possible solution. Yes I ate it all! Today is blank sheet of paper day. I even feel more motivated because I now know that there is no point in going to the fridge as there is nothing “bad” there. Thanks Joel

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Yeah, I’m right there with you! Out of sight, out of mind is what I always believe in. I love all those foods that crunch. I decided keeping fresh veggies on hand helps that sensation. It used to be chips and crackers. Really though, I have a hard time if I know that certain foods are in the house, I may make a different choice as to what to snack on.

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For anyone who is struggling with having other people in your house who “aren’t on a diet”, and are dealing with the amounts of unhealthy, or junk foods…. why should the healthy foods be considered “diet” foods? The word, diet, all by itself, connotates negative images of food restriction in our minds. Don’t call it a diet, at all. Consider referring to your choices simply as an eating plan, or food sources….. terms that are vague enough as not to offend those whose behavoir you’d like to shift in the better direction, but clear enough to indicate that thought and effort will be expected from everyone. Then you can generate a “yes list” and a “no list”, which also comes down to just a “yes list” in the end. If its not on the “yes list” its not a choice to bring into the house, or at least not to place anywhere you may come upon it, even by accident.

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@Leatte – Works great for me too! It helps that I am very sensitive to gluten. But, rice krispy treats are my trigger. My kids love them, so I make them for the kids and hope they eat them all before I do. :)

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I wish it were that easy, I don’t have any of my “off-limit” foods in my house,but if the cravings are bad I will just go out and get it, even at night. I just have to rely on my will power and hope for the best.

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Not having the kinds of food in the house that’ll go against your fatloss is the best idea. It’s what I do and it doesn’t hurt anyone else in the house either. Funny story though, I had my parents in law staying with us a while back and my mother in law was looking though the cupboards for that ‘late night snack’, you know, the sugary one, on not finding it made the comment ‘oh yes that’s right Chrissy’s doesn’t keep junk food in the house.’ Sometimes I feel badly for those people that say I’m on a ‘health bend’ and they even feel sorry for my kids, but in the end I’m not on a ‘health bend’ but have a healthy life. That’s the best thing that I can pass on to my kids!
So yes, there is no temptation for me.

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@ Zoe:
Try making some stewed fruit and just heat it through for your snack at the office. It’ll warm you through and is better than a cookie.

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Sweet, simple and highly effective! I know that this is sotrue coz it has worked for me before! Thanx Joel!

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The perfect solution to my own problem of coming home and grabbing whatever was quick and available. Along with getting rid of the junk (although I always had high quality junk) I find it helpful to have something ready and waiting because I’ll munch when cooking or preparing food. I’ve got several low cal salads (veg not lettuce) that I try to have ready to shovel. If you’re gonna shovel, better it’s broccoli than Doritos.

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