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The Best Diet Tip EVER

Posted by Joel Marion

Today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point.

That said, it may be the most valuable piece of dietary advice that I could EVER give you.

You see, last night around 9:30 PM while watching my DVR-ed episoded of American Idol my appetite started acting up and I began to have some pretty intense cravings.

A couple minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry looking for something to satisfy my hunger (yes, I’m human and I deal with cravings, too).

After scoping out what was available, I ultimately ended up eating some sliced grilled chicken and big portion of fresh green beans.

Do you know what stopped me from downing a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a bag of potato chips last night?

Simple.  These foods aren’t in my house.

Do you want to end your struggle with late night snacking (with the wrong foods) and increase your dietary adherence ten-fold?  Then here it is, the best diet tip I could ever give you:

Keep your house free of anti-diet food.

Simply put, if it’s not available, it’s not a temptation.

Do you find that having “off-limits” foods lying around is screwing up your diet?  Find this post helpful?

Respond in the comments section below!

Talk to you there!


P.S.  Want another really cool FREE diet tip?  Stop eating these three foods right now (revealed in the below video).

Stop eating these three foods right now <—— Click here


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277 comments - add yours
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Mahalo for the great advice, Marion! I do a good job eating healthy all during the day, but it’s the late night that is usually my downfall. It’s SO true that you “can’t grab what you don’t have.” I’d love more suggestions for quick & easy low carb snacks!!!

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Great idea, but unfortunately my fiance will go on his own. I think I may have him convinced to at least hide the chips from me, but frozen stuff (even if its in the back of the freezer) is more of a problem since I do the cooking.

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Good advice indeed! As a student living in a shared house (with 4 other girls) there are always sweets, cookies, Ben&Jerry’s (when its on offer) and crisps around. Its a sociable thing to share stuff like this as its basically one of the cheapest things to buy. Veg and meat especially are so expensive on a student budget that inevitably in order to fill up cheap junk find their way into shopping baskets. Fortunately I have persuaded all except one housemate to join the gym and the ratio of cookie to workout is evening up! One of my housemates eats nothing but soup, bread, potatoes, sausages, chicken chargrill and cornflakes with milk in order to get slimmer. So there is late night snacking and then there is complete dietary fail, just to keep things in perspective :)


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That definitely is the easiest way to keep temptation away. If it ain’t there, then it cannot be eaten. Thanks, Joel.

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It’s really funny when I get really hungry and there is no healthy food my mind has a convenient way of totally forgetting that I want to see my abs lol. I learned this lesson when I thought that there was no chocolate in my house. I look in one day to find that there was a bar in the back of the cupboard. At first i was like “that’s nice” and I walked away… but you can guess what happened next.

Sometimes late at night I’ll go down and make ten trips to the fridge and the cupbourd hoping that something new has appeared…. it’s really wierd.

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Great post. Simple. UNDERSTATED. For sure. I “pretend ” that the chips are for the kids and I can go DAYS without even looking at them and when the crave man comes out – the chips are history. Wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t have them in the houe. New rule. NO MORE junk in the house. it’s MY house! :) Thanks!!

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Actually I don’t get those cravings anymore since I stopped eating them, however alcohol is the big thing. When I have a drink, it’s what brings on those cravings. I don’t ever crave the good stuff only the processed stuff, don’t ask me why I just do. So to some it up, I don’t keep booze in the house either, if it’s a cheat day then I just run out and get what I need and throw the rest out.


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I quit late night snacking. It’s a mind thing. It’s goofy, but I say I have more POWER over the junk food than the junk food has over me. So I don’t put any food in my mouth after 7 pm. Seriously guys, are you really going to let the junk food have power over almighty YOU?

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Actually, the suggestion makes perfect sense… and since I do most of the grocery shopping for our family, I should be able to implement it. Thanks for the great tip…. simple though the advice may be, the best things in the world are usually the simplest…

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I remember your last post about this theme. It’s good to have a reminder for those new to the site. It’s a great tip.

I read a comment about someone who said that we were going back to the mistaken concept of “clean and unclean” foods. It’s not about that. This diet tip works if you choose to have foods that MATCH YOUR GOALS at home and keep those that don’t away. This tip really works, I’ve followed it.

However, Joel, I have to disagree on one detail (a little ,off-topic, however, you mention it in the post): Hell’s Kitchen. I’m very worried about that show. I studied culinary arts in France. And I did internships there, too. Well, about this, what I’m going to state is SERIOUS:

I refuse to watch and I would NEVER recommend a show where DENIGRATING and HUMILIATING workers is not only promoted but showed as “fun”. Work harrasment in Europe is really serious, along with exploiting foreign workers. During my internships, I suffered all those humiliations from chefs, all kinds of harrasment and reject. This is not only my case. This is COMMON, principally foreign workers who don’t have any other option. Fortunately I could come back to my country and be helped by my parents. But I can’t have a job anymore. I have post-traumatic stress (which I try to cure by working-out). Another intern, working for this infamous chef “PAUL BOCUSE” told me that he was being BURNED IN THE BACK with hot skillets. No wonder why this old colleague of mine is treating himself for cocaine addiction. No wonder why people commit suicide or die young on this profession.

This guy, Gordon Ramsay or whatever his name is; sorry, is a complet a**hole. He swears, humiliates and throws dishes at workers. And is showed as “fun”. That has a name: WORK HARRASMENT. And it is supposed to be ILLEGAL. Supposed, but at least in the French culinary industry is COMMON PRACTICE, and it’s worse if you are a foreign student, not to mention an immigrant.

I’m not going to tell readers what to watch or not; or not to be free of having fun whatever way they like. I only want people to know this before watching, so they can make an informed choice. Just imagine what your reaction would be if suddenly dog fights or the “exciting adventures of pedophiles” were now the new top reality shows on TV.

Other than that, Joel, I have to thank you for all your good nutritional advice. My mother has lowered her cholesterol and triglycerides thanks to your original CTL diet. You’re one of the best coaches-nutrition advisors out there.

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AMEN!!! That is SO why I don’t buy that stuff…only fruit and veggies, lean proteins and maybe popcorn. I also find that when I go to visit at my parent’s house I have the same problems because they don’t eat the way I do, so talk about challenge. My biggest downfall at their house are the chocolate covered peanut clusters. How do you handle visits to family when they have those foods?

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Great indeed!!!!!

It´s a perfect discovery to me!!!, it´s not that i´m the only human on earth who can get in tune for diet but turn into mister hide at 9 o´clock in the night and need eating like an animal.

Of course, the best way not allowing mister hide to grow is not having poison in kitchen-

Best regards

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Yep, having those foods around means you will cave in sometimes and eat them. BUT, what if you have kids, and those foods are around for them? Kids need to eat healthy too , of course. However, being kids, the also needed to be treated like kids and are therefore entitled to some junk food sometimes, so that means icecream in the freezer, biscuits (cookies), chips and Milo (milk chocolate drink base) in the pantry. And Milo is yummy!!

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Joel –
I agree with this post- (The Best Diet Tip Ever) Being diabetic, I cannot keep a lot of these ‘satisfying’ items in the kitchen. One item that seems to satisfy me is a stick of mozarella string cheese,
I’m going to offer you another piece of information. Many years ago (more than I’d like to admit) I ate according to the Knox gelatin diet, where you drank a solution of that gelatin powder with some liquid except that I did not use this gelatin drink at all. The gelatin came in packets and was much used by women for strengthening their fingernails. The little recipe book was free at grocery stores. Much like the CYWT diet of yours, I only stayed on this diet from Sunday evening through Friday noon. Friday evening through Sunday dinner I spent at ‘home’ visiting my retired parents – 50 miles away – and I ate what Mom cooked – NO restrictions. She was a great cook. Using this scheme, I consistently lost weight until I was down to my goal.
The big secret that I used is that IMMEDIATELY after eating I would go and brush my teeth. That removed any food taste in my mouth and surely helped me from being hungry. You would be surprised at how that residual taste in your mouth gives you the incentive to EAT!!! I have NEVER seen this hint ANYWHERE, so maybe your readers can give it a whirl and see if it helps them. Unfortunately, I lost the Knox diet book over the years and I have never seen it available in stores again.
Sincerely, Will

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Absolutely, and the thing is, even if the off limit foods aren’t there, i will deliberately be forced to put something healthier together, usually the craving is for something sweet, so I will make myself a skim milk mocha. It’s usually a teaspoon of light ovaltine ( nutritional low fat chocolate flavoured powder ) and a scoop or two of instant coffee – this does not keep me up at night if i know i will be going to bed right after – but i just need the sweetness and a bit of skim milk. i stir this up and drink it right before bed, it’s less than a 100 calories and tasty. i have been doing this habit for the last 2 weeks.

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Great advice and one that I stick too even though I have a son aged 7 he’s now doing the same as me & my hubby treat day per week and it’s saving me a small fortune & teaching him about food too xx

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this is so true – what you ain’t got you sure can’t eat!!

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Lack of availability has saved me from myself more than once. It’s tough to keep the house clear of temptations, but well worth the effort to do so.

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You made me laugh. You’re the boss!!!. Without doubt that is the best diet tip ever.

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I have two older brothers with unacceptable habits and horrible body shapes. They eat all kinds of anti-diet-foods, these are all around my house and every where I try to reach anything for my meals there is allways a temptation, but during the week before my cheat-day I have to be strong mind and try to do not screw all my diet plan. I use this as an exercise which helps me with this crazy cravings for unhealthy food. At first it was hard for me, now I am getting use to choose from healthier food.

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I think this is good advice, but Im like alot of other posters here. Cant expect the kids to always eat what I do.

That said I had my first cheat day today and have enjoyed it thoroughly lol.

I worked out hard today, fairly heavy full body weight workout and 2 minutes of HIIT.

Do I still need to workout tomorrow too having done that?

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What we do, so as not to waste money, is keep junk food for our cheat day in the freezer so we would have to go thru the hassle of thawing it out to eat it. So anything we want to eat on our cheat day, we move to the refrigerator the night before. I guess in the case of ice cream tho, that isnt a very good strategy haha

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Very well said. Since we started buying for the kids, I find myself eating the bad, oh soooooooo good tasting foods!

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This is absolutely the simplest and most effective way to handle our cravings because they’re hard to get a handle on and if it’s not in the house, you’re not as likely to go out to the store and get it if you have some yummy protien sitting there ready to grab.

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It is great advice but hard to put in place when you have other people living with you. It must be so much easier to lose weight when you live alone.

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