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The Best Diet Tip EVER

Posted by Joel Marion

Today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point.

That said, it may be the most valuable piece of dietary advice that I could EVER give you.

You see, last night around 9:30 PM while watching my DVR-ed episoded of American Idol my appetite started acting up and I began to have some pretty intense cravings.

A couple minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry looking for something to satisfy my hunger (yes, I’m human and I deal with cravings, too).

After scoping out what was available, I ultimately ended up eating some sliced grilled chicken and big portion of fresh green beans.

Do you know what stopped me from downing a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a bag of potato chips last night?

Simple.  These foods aren’t in my house.

Do you want to end your struggle with late night snacking (with the wrong foods) and increase your dietary adherence ten-fold?  Then here it is, the best diet tip I could ever give you:

Keep your house free of anti-diet food.

Simply put, if it’s not available, it’s not a temptation.

Do you find that having “off-limits” foods lying around is screwing up your diet?  Find this post helpful?

Respond in the comments section below!

Talk to you there!


P.S.  Want another really cool FREE diet tip?  Stop eating these three foods right now (revealed in the below video).

Stop eating these three foods right now <—— Click here


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277 comments - add yours
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Could not agree more Joel. I find I sabatage myself by supposedly having the wrong types of food in the house for my husband. But then we both need to lose weight me about 50lb and my husband about 10/14 lb.

So why do I do it? Deep down I know myself its stupid, yet each time I shop, off I go again.

But I shall do it with your help, Keep writing your mail and it will sink in I know.


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Originally Posted By Jamie Vanderheyden
As a teacher, I once had a parent ask me how they could get their child from eating cookies and junk food all the time. I answered, “Stop buying it.” The answers to large problems are not always complicated. Good call Joel.

Ha, good one!!

And very true…

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Originally Posted By Jacqueline
Hi Joel

How do I manage to keep extra’s out of sight with a husband who’s a ravenous eating machine? And what do I feed him to get him full, but in a healthy way? He’s forever buying bread, cream crackers etc

High fiber foods with a low caloric density – big salads, lots of veggies & protein. You can eat a ton of protein (chicken, beef, lean pork, fish, etc) and a huge salad and believe me, he WILL be full (without a ton of caloric damage).


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Originally Posted By Vinny
The best tip I ever got was when you change your eating habits change the amount of food you are eating by only 1% at a time. This way it is slow change to your system and your body will not feel deprived of what you want to eat. By the time a month comes along you will have made enough of a change to see results.

I agree small changes (not drastic ones) are best, but to sit there and try to measure a 1% difference at a time…it’s not possible, nor necessary. Even if you tried, due to human error and slight inaccuracies between labels and actual calories, you’re going to fluctuate 5% either way each day.

Good overall concept, though. Gradual is best.


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So simple…yet so profound! If it’s not in front of you…it’s not an option! Last time I checked, you can’t make a brownie out of thin air…

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Originally Posted By skn07
This is my first post…love the tips Joel! This is definitely something we use in our house. Right now my husband and I are on the AD diet so even having fruit around for our little one can be very tempting at times!

Hey skn07!

Thanks for joining in the conversation…hope to see you post often!



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Originally Posted By Tracy

I so screwed up last weekend and ate junk…. because it was there, and I could.

I felt like crap on Monday. Probably did me good though. I’ve eaten very clean and worked out really hard all week, and I feel GREAT today!

Guarantee you’ll be leaner because of it…there is a huge benefit to periodic indulgences…stay tuned for the upcoming videos.


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Originally Posted By Nan C.
In ref: to best diet tip ever – how simple can we get? And how complicated? I thought to myself, “Well, I believe I have done a great job of that” so went through my cabinets. We are not going to talk about some of the things I discovered. Needless to say, I sent some out the door with my son and trashed the rest (in a place I can’t go dig it back out thankyouverymuch). That was a GREAT diet tip and I thank you for the reminder. If it shouldn’t go in my mouth, it shouldn’t be in the house.

Glad you found it helpful!


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Well, Like most I have a higher authority to anwser to and she will not stop buying that type of food. I am mentaly turned off by that type of food any way it doesn’t bother me.
Good Luck

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“Keep your house free of anti-diet food.”

I think you hit right on target. Overweight and obese individuals have, pizza, candy, chocolate bars, cakes, lasagna, colorful cereals (sugar), sodas and fruit juice (more sugar) in their fridge.

And they complain about not being able to control their cravings.

Fill your fridge with fruits, veggies, water, healthy nuts, and lean meats. If you have kids, this is even more important.

Obese kids always get what they want and only the food they like. Who gives them that?

Is ok to treat or reward yourself once a week or every two weeks but at the end the only thing making you fat is your decision to eat crap and the best way to not eat crap is to not have it around.

Thanks Joel, for this great and short post

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@Joel Marion – Thank you for qualifying the “No late eating” rule. What you wrote makes perfect sense – as a matter of fact you imply that one SHOULD eat before going to bed, to provide nutrients for your body overnight, provided what you eat doesn’t increase your insulin (which the “Leptin Diet” was worried about). Question – Doesn’t insulin get produced whenever you eat something – be it carbs or protein?

Appreciate it.

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very disappointed
Why did you erase the most important part of my post – the suggestion to remove MSG? MSG is addictive and is the primary cause of many of these cravings that everyone is replying about. It’s almost always in those chips (and other crap) people buy and it’s the very reason the food manufacturers use it. THEY KNOW IT’S ADDICTIVE. I’d hope you look into it.

I was also going to consider your products for purchase, but now I don’t think I ever will.

always seek truth and apply wisdom and best of luck

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Hello, i have a little problem. i would love to try this out as i am quite overweight. my wife on the other hand is not. she is in great shape and eats basically whatever she wants. she would hate it if I took basically all the sweets out of the house.

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Hey, hang on a second…. I’m a bit disappointed Joel that we have gone back to the ‘this is diet food’ and ‘this isnt diet food’ mindset. It is probably the biggest saboteur of peoples body reshaping efforts. We know that the body is not harmed by having a latenight snack of some chocolate or whatever youre pleasure is. If you have worked hard at the gym during the day and stayed close to a desired meal plan for the day a delve into some latenight chocolate is going to settle your urge allow you to get to sleep so you are refreshed to work hard the next day. IT IS WHEN PEOPLE FEEL THAT THEY HAVE FAILED THEMSELVES THAT THE PROGRAMME GOES OUT THE WINDOW. I remember reading something recently which sums up the idiocy of depriving yourself of some late night comfort food…” It is possible to gain weight (fat) even if you lived on chicken breast and broccoli”. I, myself would beat myself up for eating chocolate late night, but would have no qualms about shoveling in supposed diet foods and this is where so many people get it all wrong instead of remembering the number one rule – if intake energy is more that expended energy there can be no fat loss, only gain.

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Originally Posted By Tom
very disappointed
Why did you erase the most important part of my post – the suggestion to remove MSG? MSG is addictive and is the primary cause of many of these cravings that everyone is replying about. It’s almost always in those chips (and other crap) people buy and it’s the very reason the food manufacturers use it. THEY KNOW IT’S ADDICTIVE. I’d hope you look into it.

I was also going to consider your products for purchase, but now I don’t think I ever will.

always seek truth and apply wisdom and best of luck

I am sorry you feel that way. Your information was good; however it was unrelated to the post.

As stated in the comment policy, comments should be on topic.

I actually have a post slated in the que about MSG quite soon…I hope to have you join our discussion then.

Thanks for taking the time to contribute!


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Got it, James. Everything you wrote is true – keep your eye on the bottom line. Nevertheless, it is prudent to eat less caloric foods, such as protiens, so it is easier to exceed your intake enery with your expended energy.

Joel W

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Originally Posted By James Crocker
Hey, hang on a second…. I’m a bit disappointed Joel that we have gone back to the ‘this is diet food’ and ‘this isnt diet food’ mindset. It is probably the biggest saboteur of peoples body reshaping efforts. We know that the body is not harmed by having a latenight snack of some chocolate or whatever youre pleasure is…so many people get it all wrong instead of remembering the number one rule – if intake energy is more that expended energy there can be no fat loss, only gain.

It’s substantially more complex than this. Simplifying things to calories in/calories out is an oversimplification. You can see my article here for some of the research.


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Originally Posted By Eitel Dannenfels
So simple…yet so profound! If it’s not in front of you…it’s not an option! Last time I checked, you can’t make a brownie out of thin air…

Haha, good stuff, Eitel!


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Originally Posted By Joel
@Joel Marion – Thank you for qualifying the “No late eating” rule. What you wrote makes perfect sense – as a matter of fact you imply that one SHOULD eat before going to bed, to provide nutrients for your body overnight, provided what you eat doesn’t increase your insulin (which the “Leptin Diet” was worried about). Question – Doesn’t insulin get produced whenever you eat something – be it carbs or protein?

Appreciate it.

In small amounts, moreso from red meat as opposed to something like chicken or fish.

On the same note, more glucagon is released than insulin (the antagonist to insulin) so even the red meat isn’t a big deal.

Hope that helps!


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Originally Posted By johnathen
Hello, i have a little problem. i would love to try this out as i am quite overweight. my wife on the other hand is not. she is in great shape and eats basically whatever she wants. she would hate it if I took basically all the sweets out of the house.

If you and your goals were important to her, she would have no problem helping you in that way, and having her “unhealthier” choices outside of the home.


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Originally Posted By LivnFit
Your tip is right on and I live by that, however, I am a notirous late night snacker. I am very fit and in good shape, but would like to get your thoughts on what if anything you think is appropriate for late night eating. I try in include some form of protein, usually cassein before bed to fight muscle breakdown whiel sleeping — but I love a good bowl of cereal at around 10pm. Thanks.

Hi LivnFit,

There is actually a full post about late night eating that addresses your question here on the blog.

Hope you find it helpful!


P.S. The cereal probably isn’t the best thing!

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Great advice! Do you also have some on bordeom hunger snacking? I do midnight shifts at work and often find myself nibbling out of boredom. thanks

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I have recently dropped about 30 lbs. and I too am a late night feeder. I have rid my cupboards of virtually every thing I shouldn’t eat except for P-nut butter. I’ll wake up at night and destroy a pack of crackers with p-nut butter and usually a glass of milk. Then I feel like such a loser after I’m done feeding.

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I know EXACTLY what you mean! I used to have some stuff around the house – best intentions, you know for when you have guests, that kind of thing – but… often I ended up eating it because it was around when the munchies hit and was the easiest to prep (ie only open and eat). So I got rid of everything – also because I made myself remember that during times that people visit (aside from emergency friend bailouts or whatever) it’s always possible to pop over to the gas station shop and get something for them. Now instead I usually end up drinking lots of water because I can’t be bothered to cook late at night :-)

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Nailed it! Hard though when you have a spouse who buys crap and kids who eat it, lol.

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