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The Best Diet Tip EVER

Posted by Joel Marion

Today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point.

That said, it may be the most valuable piece of dietary advice that I could EVER give you.

You see, last night around 9:30 PM while watching my DVR-ed episoded of American Idol my appetite started acting up and I began to have some pretty intense cravings.

A couple minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry looking for something to satisfy my hunger (yes, I’m human and I deal with cravings, too).

After scoping out what was available, I ultimately ended up eating some sliced grilled chicken and big portion of fresh green beans.

Do you know what stopped me from downing a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a bag of potato chips last night?

Simple.  These foods aren’t in my house.

Do you want to end your struggle with late night snacking (with the wrong foods) and increase your dietary adherence ten-fold?  Then here it is, the best diet tip I could ever give you:

Keep your house free of anti-diet food.

Simply put, if it’s not available, it’s not a temptation.

Do you find that having “off-limits” foods lying around is screwing up your diet?  Find this post helpful?

Respond in the comments section below!

Talk to you there!


P.S.  Want another really cool FREE diet tip?  Stop eating these three foods right now (revealed in the below video).

Stop eating these three foods right now <—— Click here


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277 comments - add yours
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Originally Posted By Kim
Love it. Simple and to the point. It’s far more stressful to me if there’s a big bag of chips on the counter that I have to avoid, than if there’s not. It is tricky with having children around but we are finding that by only having healthy choices around, the odd ‘treat’ is just that – a treat . And we usually will make it ourselves so that they are learning nutrition from the ground up. And luckily chocolate chips are no longer on the forbidden list :)

Great thoughts all around, Kim!


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Originally Posted By Elizabeth
That is the best tip. I never have chips in my house. I just moved and so at night I am unpacking and rearranging things and forget to eat. I was doing the same thing in searching for something to eat. Junk food would have been the easy choose if it was available.


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Come on, bro! This post is just what you needed then…find something healthy (protein + fat) to snack on and you’ll be much happier you did.


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@Sue – haha!

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Originally Posted By katy
My family is very sporty and athletic, lookily for them they can eat junk food and drink and still stay in good shape. Even though i follow a gruelling regular fitness regime ( inspired by personal trainer Vincent Delmonte) and i follow his eating plans, i still feel like i cant shift the bad stuff, such as cereal bars and the odd biscuit. How do you get rid of these cravings and say no i can do with out that?

I am lucky and can drop pounds and gain muscle formation pretty quicker than others, but i just want to be able to say no i can do with out junk. Please help

The truth is, you don’t have to. You just need to learn how to time your “cheating” strategically. Be on the lookout for my upcoming videos.


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Good tip. Worked great for me at the beginning of when I really started getting serious about my diet. Now it doesn’t bother me when my girl has ice cream in the freezer. I have 6-8 meals spaced out so I’m eating my last meal 20-30min before I fall asleep anyways.

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Joel…you are so right. If its not there you can’t eat it. Still I try to have good fun stuff…like frozen fruit and dark dark chocolate to add some sparkle…..but not too much of the calorie dense chocolate.

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Re. Kim’s post: Chocolate chips are not a good substitute: milk chocolate has no health benefit – real cocoa does. So, switch to dark chocolates.

To your health.

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Great tip for the whole family! Thank you.

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Hi, Joel. I’m currently following the “Leptin Diet” which maintains that one should not eat anything caloric at least 3 hours before sleeping (tea, water is ok) so that your body will burn fat during the night, not work on what you just ate. That logic is enough to stop me from going on a “before sleep snack” binge. (I used to have a cup of tea and eat around 10 tea bisciuts before going to sleep). I lose 1-2 lbs. every week by just following this diet, without doing any exercises.

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As a teacher, I once had a parent ask me how they could get their child from eating cookies and junk food all the time. I answered, “Stop buying it.” The answers to large problems are not always complicated. Good call Joel.

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Hi Joel

How do I manage to keep extra’s out of sight with a husband who’s a ravenous eating machine? And what do I feed him to get him full, but in a healthy way? He’s forever buying bread, cream crackers etc

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The best tip I ever got was when you change your eating habits change the amount of food you are eating by only 1% at a time. This way it is slow change to your system and your body will not feel deprived of what you want to eat. By the time a month comes along you will have made enough of a change to see results.

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This is my first post…love the tips Joel! This is definitely something we use in our house. Right now my husband and I are on the AD diet so even having fruit around for our little one can be very tempting at times!

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hi joel, great tip.i already have my fridge a junk food free zone. if i,m feeling hungry i always rely on scottish porridge oats.after that your craving disappears

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Plain simple and effective. Nothing else to say about it.

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I so screwed up last weekend and ate junk…. because it was there, and I could.

I felt like crap on Monday. Probably did me good though. I’ve eaten very clean and worked out really hard all week, and I feel GREAT today!

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Edamame, fruit, yogurt, frozen berries. Snacks!

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It is easier not having it around. Unfortunately my husband brings this stuff home even if I ask him not to, so I put it on a top shelf hidden behind other things, out of site out of mind. If the healthy stuff is easy to grab and the first thing you see you will grab it. a handful of raw nut sugar/salt free trail mix is what I use to fill a craving.

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I’ve been following the “is it worth going out to get it” strategy for foods I shouldn’t eat. I find it all depends on the weather. If it’s cold and snowing or raining, likely it’s not worth going out to get it. Or sometimes I give myself the “if I can walk there to get it I can have it.” At least that way I’m getting exercise to go with it.
And then I only buy one serving, or at the least the smallest serving possible. (Maybe I share with my husband, maybe save some for tomorrow.)

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In ref: to best diet tip ever – how simple can we get? And how complicated? I thought to myself, “Well, I believe I have done a great job of that” so went through my cabinets. We are not going to talk about some of the things I discovered. Needless to say, I sent some out the door with my son and trashed the rest (in a place I can’t go dig it back out thankyouverymuch). That was a GREAT diet tip and I thank you for the reminder. If it shouldn’t go in my mouth, it shouldn’t be in the house.

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@Rob – many many many!

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Your tip is right on and I live by that, however, I am a notirous late night snacker. I am very fit and in good shape, but would like to get your thoughts on what if anything you think is appropriate for late night eating. I try in include some form of protein, usually cassein before bed to fight muscle breakdown whiel sleeping — but I love a good bowl of cereal at around 10pm. Thanks.

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Excellent post. This is an “Okham’s razor” type tip: the simplest solution to a problem is usually the best!! Brilliant in its simplicity and obviousness.

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Originally Posted By Joel
Hi, Joel. I’m currently following the “Leptin Diet” which maintains that one should not eat anything caloric at least 3 hours before sleeping (tea, water is ok) so that your body will burn fat during the night, not work on what you just ate. That logic is enough to stop me from going on a “before sleep snack” binge. (I used to have a cup of tea and eat around 10 tea bisciuts before going to sleep). I lose 1-2 lbs. every week by just following this diet, without doing any exercises.

You don’t have to avoid food within a certain time period before bed; it’s an over simplification. You just need to learn to choose the *right* foods at this time.

See my post on late night eating.

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