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The Best Diet Tip EVER

Posted by Joel Marion

Today’s post is going to be short, sweet and to the point.

That said, it may be the most valuable piece of dietary advice that I could EVER give you.

You see, last night around 9:30 PM while watching my DVR-ed episoded of American Idol my appetite started acting up and I began to have some pretty intense cravings.

A couple minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge, cupboards, and pantry looking for something to satisfy my hunger (yes, I’m human and I deal with cravings, too).

After scoping out what was available, I ultimately ended up eating some sliced grilled chicken and big portion of fresh green beans.

Do you know what stopped me from downing a bowl of ice cream or reaching for a bag of potato chips last night?

Simple.  These foods aren’t in my house.

Do you want to end your struggle with late night snacking (with the wrong foods) and increase your dietary adherence ten-fold?  Then here it is, the best diet tip I could ever give you:

Keep your house free of anti-diet food.

Simply put, if it’s not available, it’s not a temptation.

Do you find that having “off-limits” foods lying around is screwing up your diet?  Find this post helpful?

Respond in the comments section below!

Talk to you there!


P.S.  Want another really cool FREE diet tip?  Stop eating these three foods right now (revealed in the below video).

Stop eating these three foods right now <—— Click here


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277 comments - add yours
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It does not get any better than that!!!

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Sounds like a great idea but my teenage kids will not be very happy. I have cut back on lots of foods in the house but not everything. I try to get them foods that they like and I don’t. That way….I can avoid the temptation.

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You are so right about not even having any of those things in the house to be tempted. My wife had recently ordered Girl Scout cookies from my neice and as soon as they came in we shipped them off to her son at college! Out of sight out of mind!

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Originally Posted By Leatte
Sounds like a great idea but my teenage kids will not be very happy. I have cut back on lots of foods in the house but not everything. I try to get them foods that they like and I don’t. That way….I can avoid the temptation.

That’s a good strategy!


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Great advice! I agree that keeping the wrong foods out of the house is the best idea. Also, don’t go to the grocery store when you have cravings…that can get ugly.

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found you this week and was very interested in what you had to say-some of it I knew from research and reading but it was good to hear agin to validte my understandings. One question, when I wa reding about your coaching program I saw your before and after pics from BFL–it says in one after pic it was 16 weeks I know when I did the program the rules stated 12 weeks–it looked like your same after pic on the BFL site.

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Great tip, I’ve been doing it for some time now. Can’t wait to see your post on the “healthy triggers”.

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Originally Posted By M
found you this week and was very interested in what you had to say-some of it I knew from research and reading but it was good to hear agin to validte my understandings. One question, when I wa reding about your coaching program I saw your before and after pics from BFL–it says in one after pic it was 16 weeks I know when I did the program the rules stated 12 weeks–it looked like your same after pic on the BFL site.

That was my “before” before pic, taken 4 weeks before I “officially” started the contest. Actual before pics for the contest (12 weeks out) were different.


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I think that is a wise statement. To aviod temptation do not have temptation in the house. I have never been much of a late night eater. I noticed you said that you would eat steak. I am a vegetarian so I would even consider any kind of meat or eggs. Would a shake with whey protein be very good?

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Originally Posted By john
You are so right about not even having any of those things in the house to be tempted. My wife had recently ordered Girl Scout cookies from my neice and as soon as they came in we shipped them off to her son at college! Out of sight out of mind!

Haha, and you know if they were in the house, they’d be gone in about a day (but in your stomach!)…would be if they were in my house…that’s why this simple rule is so powerful.


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Hell, I thought it was only me who turned into a starving scavenger at night. How many of us are there?

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I meant I woul never eat steak or any other kind of meat. Sometimes that makes choices harder.

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It’s a tough one! I have an 8 year old I feed all the non diet food to, but most of what we have is good stuff. I have to have all the good stuff here for my routine. He may not like it much but after some time, it’s regular food for him too! Thanks a million for the tips! They really help in a pinch!

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Hi Joel
Great tip But…
My greatest temptation is bread. Now if it was just me I would not buy it but I shop for my family, I am not the only one in the house and the rest of the family like it and want it so…

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Originally Posted By Rob
Hell, I thought it was only me who turned into a starving scavenger at night. How many of us are there?

Haha, it’s hilarious…I’ll go back and forth from the fridge to the cupboard like 10 times. It’s like I’m “hoping” something will appear, lol.

Exactly the reason why I don’t have it lying around…we’re all human, and if it’s right there in front of you, it’s just too easy to give in.

Cool site, btw!


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Originally Posted By Lucky Lou
It’s a tough one! I have an 8 year old I feed all the non diet food to, but most of what we have is good stuff. I have to have all the good stuff here for my routine. He may not like it much but after some time, it’s regular food for him too! Thanks a million for the tips! They really help in a pinch!

That’s one of the important things, to *teach* your kids to enjoy healthy options. Good for you and good for them.


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Love it. Simple and to the point. It’s far more stressful to me if there’s a big bag of chips on the counter that I have to avoid, than if there’s not. It is tricky with having children around but we are finding that by only having healthy choices around, the odd ‘treat’ is just that – a treat . And we usually will make it ourselves so that they are learning nutrition from the ground up. And luckily chocolate chips are no longer on the forbidden list :)

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That is the best tip. I never have chips in my house. I just moved and so at night I am unpacking and rearranging things and forget to eat. I was doing the same thing in searching for something to eat. Junk food would have been the easy choose if it was available.

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It’s 1:30 in the morning here. I’m ‘working’ on my computer, all the family are asleep in bed, even the two teenagers with their own income and sweet tooths. Today, I’ve eaten a spinach smoothie, a small piece of steak, a banana, an apple and a small serving of chilli con-carne. In between those meals, I had two good workouts. Right now, in the fridge is a family block of chocolate, a packet of choc covered peanuts, three different cheeses, leftover rissoles and heaps of other stuff. It’s all calling me…… I’m gunna feel guilty soon, I know it…..

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@Joel Marion – I do that too. Go back and forth to the fridge hoping the Food Fairies have left something ‘yummy’ in there while I wasn’t looking! I have 3 teenagers and have to have stuff to make lunchboxes for them so I find it a struggle to keep some junk out of the house. Whilst I don’t overload them with rubbish they still like the odd small chocolate biscuit bar in their lunch along with the fruit and sandwiches. But the adage is true, if you own it, you’ll eat it!

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My family is very sporty and athletic, lookily for them they can eat junk food and drink and still stay in good shape. Even though i follow a gruelling regular fitness regime ( inspired by personal trainer Vincent Delmonte) and i follow his eating plans, i still feel like i cant shift the bad stuff, such as cereal bars and the odd biscuit. How do you get rid of these cravings and say no i can do with out that?

I am lucky and can drop pounds and gain muscle formation pretty quicker than others, but i just want to be able to say no i can do with out junk. Please help

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How simple and how true!!!!!! I fight that on and off and end up telling myself to not even have it in the house. As you say, if it’s not there you can’t eat it!!! I know my weakness foods and once in awhile I’ll buy them and regret it and even end up throwing them out again!!! It’s a constant struggle for me!! !

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Oh yeah! Not having anti-diet items in the house is a HUGE help, especially when the late night I-have-to-eat-everything -in-sight-because-I’m-STARVING! kicks in…though I have to say that since I’ve been weight training and eating more “clean”, those terrible attacks have been less frequent. I guess a lot can be said for that, too!

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That is exactly what I try to do. Excellent tip though one that I’m sure a lot of people overlook. Stick to a shopping list.

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This was me yesterday- and luckily my options were limited to almonds/chicken/buffalo/veggies. And no matter how many times I opened the fridge/cupboard, there was nothing better in them…hmmm… I would have been KICKING myself today if there had been any yummies!

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